>60 FPS >Original character designer is back >NMH1 gameplay >NMH2 improvements like tiger mode and multiple weapons >Skill chips are back from TSA >Jumping was kept just like in TSA >Henry Cooldown is back and dual wield katanas now >Destroyman is back >Kimmy Howell is back >Kamui Uehara is back >Clothing shop is back >Minigames are back >Sountrack so good it inspired the composer to form his own band using NMH3 music youtu.be/LzBjE8e53D0 >Entirely self-published and self-funded by Suda51 instead of crowdbegging like the whores at PlatinumGames swimming in Tencent money
Mari needs to learn that legs are not that long compared to the rest of the body.
David Robinson
Well that's a worst Kimmy design.
Daniel Barnes
Long legs are hot and Bayonetta is still the hottest woman in video games so fuck you
Cameron Sanchez
>tfw game about nerd unseathing his beam katana to get pussy now has talking cats, crossovers with every Suda51 game, has evil cia glowniggers using vydia as murder machines and sentai aliens. Suda51 is going all out.
Nolan Allen
proof that yusuke kosaki is back? also the orca force thing is the wrong way round, suda51 liked his new album music so much he's using it wholesale in nmh3 and where is proof henry is back with dual katanas?
Cooper Johnson
I'm so excited for this game. I just hope it won't be a mess like Deadly Premonition 2 but what we've seen already looks good performance-wise.
>also the orca force thing is the wrong way round, suda51 liked his new album music so much he's using it wholesale in nmh3 This is wrong. Their album released in March 2020, we know about the music as early as June 2019. Nobuaki Kaneko was performing for the band Rize but all his band mates got pinched by the cops for drugs and they're in jail now. Red Orca was formed after he did the music for No More Heroes 3.
Leo Williams
how do you know thats him? his hair is different anyone can wear a trenchcoat you know
Brayden Cox
>Their album released in March 2020, we know about the music as early as June 2019. yeah so? he was creating that album in 2019, and suda liked what he was making that he's using a bunch of them wholesale with no changes in nmh3
Jack Diaz
The composer literally fucking said in an interview with Suda during the Dommune fan event that he formed the band in late 2019. The band did not fucking exist back then. It was music made for No More Heroes 3. Their twitter account was created in september 2019. How the FUCK did they manage to make the music of No More Heroes 3 before the band was even created? twitter.com/REDORCAofficial And they're not even using the music "wholesale" because NMH3 music does not have vocals because, AGAIN, the band wasn't formed and he made the music without a vocalist.
>zoomer gaymers first criteria for a "good" game >60 fps
into the trash it goes
Angel White
apparently you seem to know more than suda51 and the fucking composer of the game. What's your evidence?
Jayden Jones
Daily reminder:
How distinguish a newfag plastic fan from real fans: >is a SJW retard >hates the open world in NMH1 instead of loving its atmosphere and what Suda tried to express with it >didn't play through NMH1 on Wii multiple times right after it was released >acts like TSA was great to fit in with the Reddit 'so wacky and random, fuck the journos xD" clique when it was mediocre at best and even Suda considered it just a stepping stone for 3
Kozaki is back? Any proof of him actually designing a big chunk of the game and not just one or two characters?
Kozaki is not the only designer but he is still the character designer of Travis Touchdown and the illustrator of NMH3. We already know the aliens are designed by Masanori Ushiki.
I like Bayonetta, esp with short hair, but she is not the hottest woman in video games. Swery and Suda are both great and you faggots need to stop.
Benjamin Clark
I love all of them but I think we need to wait for their voice and personality to shine to have an overview of how good they can be.
Cooper Turner
where's yours? get me a quote from suda or the orca guy saying that he composed that track specifically for nmh3 and started the band because suda told him to you are making uninformed assumptions
Evan Long
>illustrator of NMH3 show me direct proof that kozaki is designing anything in NMH3 he designed nothing in TSA
Wyatt Hughes
>bring back tons of characters >Jeanne still hasn't been brought back Shame
Zachary Collins
>>is a SJW retard >>hates the open world in NMH1 instead of loving its atmosphere and what Suda tried to express with it shut up underage
Benjamin Brooks
Hold on, I never said Suda told him to make a band. I said he made a band that was created in september 2019 using NMH3 music. You're trying to pull a fast one on me. I showed you my proof that the band was created in september 2019. The press release of NMH3's announcement still mentioned that he was a part of the band Rize because it wasn't even disbanded back then (because as I said, his band members got jail time for using drugs in the summer of 2019) and Red Orca did not even exist. So what you're telling me, is that Nobuaki Kaneko knew his band mates were going to get jailed by the cops months before it happened, knew that the band he was a part of was going to be disbanded, knew that he was going to make a new band, and then subsequently made music for his as of yet non-existent band and then Suda said "yes, this is good, I'm going to use this music that already exists for this non-existent band that has been created in September 2019 for my trailer that was shown in four months ago in June 2019 and was probably worked on much before that". Am I following you thus far?
Consider me sold when Kusabi shows up midgame to try and extort Travis for pocket change. Actually if Kamui is playable that'd be extremely cool. I loved Silver Case but it suffered a bit from "protagonist limp dick syndrome" where they sort of rely on other characters to do things and act mainly as an observer slash puzzlemonkey. 25th Ward didn't suffer from that but introduces too much shit with too little payoff outside of Matchmaker. FSR was the perfect balance. And NMH1 too, I suppose.