Did your dad get you into gaming?
Did your dad get you into gaming?
He got me a NES so...
no but i talked to my mom about it. it took her a while but she eventually understood what i was doing and was happy for me. she still asks me to tell her about the games i'm playing or books i'm reading
Yeah. He liked playing starcraft.
Miss you, dad.
Yeah. He bought a SNES right after they came out and every night he’d hook it up to the tiny family crt in the kitchen and he’d play a couple levels of super Mario world and I’d watch him.
Eventually he got to the end of the game and he’d enter bowsers castle but when bowser finally appeared and made his ominous entrance it scared the piss out of me and I’d run out of the room crying. This happened dozens of times (he wasn’t very good at the game, but that’s not the point) and I’d come back and watch him clear the level again after he died and then run away again. Eventually one night it was business as usual and dad was trying to beat bowser again and I was crying again and my mom came and got me and basically dragged me into the kitchen cuz dad was doing better than ever before and I got over my fear and watched him and he finally did it, my dad beat bowser and I was there to see it.
He never really played video games again after that, decided to go out on a high note I guess, and I was still too scared to play it myself much (I’d get spooked and drop the controller when I saw my first chargin chuck on the first level every time) but eventually once I was older my brother showed me how to play better and gave me some more games and that was that.
I love my dad. My dad can beat up bowser.
Ye. He bought me the Lego games for PC as a kid and I'd play the fuck outta them. Those and Pajama Sam, Freddy Fish, Putt-Putt, etc.
no not really, I probably would I gotten into it by myself either way but I do have really fond memories of sitting on his lap in awe as he played IL-2 Sturmovik, sneaking into the office and playing call of duty and watching him play stuff like splinter cell or rainbox six.
he hasnt played anything in years but every time I meet him we usually end up discussing new technology or video games.
Ive been talking about lending him one of my vr headsets so he could experience some il2 in vr but it would require moving and probably upgrading the PC. maybe in the future.
No, he called my bameboy the devil and blamed my mom for letting me having a PC
no, he left me whet i was 12
Yes, made me play neverwinter nights.
Also some buzz Lightyear game when I was real young.
is that the original meme? gay
Yeah. He didn't just get me into it, he was the first one to knock me down a peg when I thought I was actually good at them. Atlantica, two laps, no traffic. Motherfucker picked the Corvette like he always did and beat me by five seconds. I didn't even know it was possible to be that fast.
Both my parents were into gaming in the 80s before I was born so yes.
No my dad hates video games
First games I played were Rune and Prince Of Persia on his 2000 PC, since he wanted me to try his favorites.
That’s what your mom said when you popped out one day
Ah yes, wojacker posting high quality posts, as usual.
>"Are you winning son" comic with more words
Why do so many people do this?
it's le wholesome
my dad got me into fighting games by buying me street fighter 2 and mortal kombat 2 and playing them with me when i was real young
he was really big into the versus series like x-men vs street fighter and marvel vs capcom
i've been playing fighting games for 20 years now and it's brought a lot of good in my life and i'm always grateful his hobby influenced mine
Yeah, we used to play Champions of Norrath and other shit like that together.
He still plays Skyrim and other rpgs pretty often, but we don’t play coop much nowadays.
My dad left when I was 3 and I ended up here.
My dad beat my mom and me and my sisters. So yes, he did.
They're trying to be charming
My dad yelled at me because he thought I was playing with people online when I was just fighting bots in a shitty flash game from the Newgrounds days. Apparently he thought people online were turbohacker psycopaths out there to backtrace everyone's IP and steal their organs or someshit.
He was a University doctor, and now treats technology and his shitty Apple products like God's gifts to earth. He's just dumb as a fucking brick and is only good at autistically researching endless streams of papers.
why is this image suddenly relevant again considering its fucking years old but everyone's acting like someone just made it last month
because newfags have never seen it before, therefore it must be new
first 3 panels are enough
He sat me on his lap infront of an Amiga when i was a couple of months old. By the time I was three I was able to use it on my own. Including software that required workbench. So yes, my dad did. Had a few hundred of floppies of pirated videogames that my brother downloaded with the modem dad had for it.
No he just sent me to earth to die for the sins of others
Lmao all these absent or abusive fathers. Are you all black or just white trash? Either way explains this board rather well.
>Old Zig Forums culture that gets reposted from time to time
>Some newfag twitter vermin happened to browse that thread
>They steal it and post it on their faggy twitter
>It happens to gain some traction and becomes viral
Happened with Loss. It's fucking bizarre seeing old Zig Forums memes suddenly become big and not being able to call everyone a bunch of newfags.
pls no bully
my dad cant move and look at the same time. last time i watched him try and play a game he ended up looking straight up at the sky and couldnt figure out how to look back down at the ground again. he has literally zero hand eye coordination when it comes to video games and he just shuts down. hes also going senile.
I mean you can but the problem with calling people newfags these days is they assume you're a newfag trying to act cool
i would often just sit, and watch him play games when i was younger.
no, my grandpa did
he's a cool fuckin dude
we'd play doom even though my mom was anti-violent vidya at the time
I meant outside of Zig Forums.
My dad called me a homosexual for playing only female characters.
But dad, you don't understand the complexity of the winning formula!
>Sexy female character with 20 costumes
>S tier character who is unbeatable.
He was big into Space Invaders as a kid. He got us Gameboys when we were very young. He used to play on the SNES and Megadrive. He plays racing games rarely now though. He's more into working on cars and bikes.
I think games have become a little too complicated for him. Though he was watching me play Dark Souls 3 the other night and was enjoying the experience.
He got my niece and nephews a Switch lite and some games each. He's a great man.
my grandpa had the diablo demo installed on his computer when he died. im not sure if he found the game interesting or if he was just looking into it because he was told i was playing it at 10 years old and wanted to see if it was safe for me.
My dad was too busy drinking, cheating on mom and being a worthless boomer to care about teaching me skills, so don't even think about asking him to play vidya with me.
Didn't see him in at least 15 years. Maybe he's dead I don't know. I live alone and drink every night until I finally kick the bucket one day because of alcohol poisoning. Life is shit. Fuck all of you.
Yes. When my brother and I became obsessed with the Terminator 2 arcade game at the mall, and my dad found out there was a home video console version, he practically fell over himself on his way to take us to Toys R Us so we could each pick out some games to play besides Terminator 2. His buddies would be over working on cars in the garage and whenever theyd come in for a break theyd watch us playing games and rip each other apart "hey there you are on the TV dipshit" whenever an ugly boss came out or something.
When the xbox came out I saved for months and I can still see my dad waiting at the bus stop one day after school, waiting in his truck, and i knew instantly that today was the day. He bought the console even tho i saved up for it all on my own, let me save my money for games and extra controllers and shit.
To this day he still asks me what games I'm into so hes got an idea for christmas or birthdays. Likes watching games like Battlefield and shit with lots of explosions. Used To play games with my brother and I all the time, especially Battle Tanks and Goldeneye on N64, those where his favorites. Grandpa was a huge Road Rash fan too and would play with us sometimes, but he wasnt a fan of technology and had trouble getting the bike to go, but he had fun all the same.
my dad got me into quake when i was a wee lad, and we would piss my mom off by playing leisure suit larry as loud as possible
thanks for the SF2 cabinet dad, you were the best
No. He enjoys abusing drugs and my mother.
>My dad called me a homosexual for playing only female characters.
He'd be right, but your excuse does sound valid. It's not the "I d-don't want to watch man ass, haha" cope or anything like that.
Literally obsessed.
>not showing your dad that you play as female character to exploit virgins nerds and get free shit online in game from them
A step above white trash personally. My dad rode the line between abusive and a good dad my whole life. Always there but always a dickhead. I imagine most dads are like this though.