Roguelite Thread
What's your favorite? Any hidden gems you recommend?
Feel free to shitpost about how roguelikes are better
Roguelite Thread
Personally I like A Legionary's Life
I really like Dead Cells and I even enjoy blasting through levels and harder bosses now but it feels kind of empty after I play it for awhile. Is there a more rpg or even a slower roguelite you'd recc?
Seems to me like a slower RPG is counter to the "quick runs with permanent progression" thing
Sometimes exploration and combat is fun even if its slow. If this doesn't mix with the roguelite genre that's fine I'll stick to dorf.
Roguelikes like Tales of Maj'Eyal can get pretty long
monolith is pretty fun if you are into shmups
I got my first boss cell, but the game really ramps up on hard mode now. I can't imagine it at five cells. Do you just die in one hit?
I've played a couple and enjoy them. My Tier list:
>S Amazing
Risk of Rain 2
>A Great
>B Good
Slay the spire
Nuclear throne
Wizard of legend
>C Average/Uninteresting
Dead Cells
>D Annoying
Wayvard Souls
Feel free to shit on my taste and try to convince me that Dead Cells, Hades and Synthetik are worthwhile games with interesting and unique gameplay.
I liked it but I fucking suck at bullethell so much
Isn't that just minesweeper? I played about an hour and it was insultingly easy if you can play minesweeper, and they just throw annoying gimmicks at you like moving guys you aren't allowed to hit or something
>pic related
Forever forgotten
been enjoying curse of the dead gods. fresh aesthetic, impactful combat, nice artstyle. a bit barebones and easy at the moment but has potential i think.
Thanks I'll check it out
>Isn't that just minesweeper?
Not really. If you look at it as just minesweeper, I doubt you'll make it far, because the game throws quite a few unsolvable scenarios. You have to use items in order to pass the harder difficulties, which usually adds much more depth to each run.
As for difficulty, if the hardest difficulty you can choose is too easy, then you'll have to beat that difficulty before going harder. It kinda sucks that you have to do this, though I personally found enough challenge in normal difficulty. Also, the game gets slightly harder as you beat it each time and go to the next stage.
For me the game is A Tier, but I can see it being B or even C Tier for those who don't care about minesweeper type gameplay. If you do like that though, this game is just a fun spin on the core gameplay with added depth.
>check it out
>top review is negative
Never a good sign
I guess I'll give it another spin. IIRC the game had an option to make puzzles "always solvable" but warned me that that would make the game too easy
I mean, Minesweeper is pretty much a solved game so I guess I'll have to see how far the additional gimmick shit goes
Try it out, don't expect much. If you beat the game 2 or 3 times and still dont enjoy it, then you may as well give up on it.
Into the Breach is one of my favorite games but everyone hates it. Other roguelites I would recommend are Streets of Rogue and Dicey Dungeons. SoR is basically GTA1/GTA2 without cars and in roguelite form. Dicey Dungeons is fun but it is not that "random" and the Witch class is anal seepage.
>but everyone hates it
There were billions of threads when it came out, user
Fair point. I remember seeing more people whine that "It's not FTL!!" than praising it.
No. The dificulty jump is even higher between 1 bc and 2 bc. Basically 2 bc forces you to git gud. 3 bc is not very different from 2 (i beat it one day after i beat 2 bc and the run was actually easier). It is important that you spend all your cells in the forges after beating a boss to get better quality items.
Right now i am in 4 bc (which is the same as 5 bc) and it is fucking punishing. The mechanic change as now you get infected when every enemy hits you, so you have to find ways to cure not only health but malaise too. Also, every enemy can teleport and follow you (as elites), which is annoying but you can actually get advantage of that shit, so it changes the way you play it.
They are making a sequel
I am the samefag from & . I replied to the wrong post by mistake.
Some small budget roguelites that I'd wager not too people know. Dunno how obscure they are exactly, so forgive me if you know all of them
>Mana Spark (pretty standard twin stick one)
>Hyperparasite (same)
>Wizard of Legend (twin stick but with spells, pretty fun combinations possible and you get to pick a loadout at the start so you're not completely reliant on randomity)
>MOTHERGUNSHIP (FPS based around building your own weapons out of parts)
>Cryptark (2D shootan where you gotta plan a route through a ship to take out all its systems quickly)
I thought dead cells was meh too but i was just getting filtered. Playing in it with the boss cells makes it Challenging and interesting as it changes the way you have to play it. Also, playablity and controls are too good to just be c tier
Forgot to say that in Hyperparasite, you're a squishy parasite and you get your abilities from posessing enemies
Pretty much what I'd pick but I haven't played Risk of Rain and I find Isaac garbage and Gungeon boring. Other than that, I'd put Slay the Spire on A tierand put Rogue Legacy somewhere in there for being cool.
Why would anyone argue a genre which uses shit graphics and a really strict set of rules is better than a really diverse genre that freely and non rigidly only uses some of those rules just to enhance original gameplay? Thats like saying a specific shit cake (lets say, fruit cake) is better than ice cream.
>Curse of the Dead Gods
Truly, these are dark times for chads who don't buy early access games
Anyone give A Robot Named Fight a try? I just started playing it and have two hours in it so far. It's a super Metroid roguelite and it's still getting free updates to it.
Played the shit out of 20xx and was among the first in the world to get the platinum trophy.
It isn't the best game ever but it's a solid attempt at mega man x gameplay.
Gungeon is fun
>rad gun
>if you get sunglasses, it upgrades and does a skating trick every time you reload
I fucking love this stupid thing
Have Curse on my wishlist for quite some time now, is it worth getting?
Lots of people like Gungeon but I never got into it. It feels like Binding of Isaac except the powerups you collect have limited ammo and they are way too fucking weak. In BoI you can get some hilariously OP items right off the bat or after an hour of unlocking shit, in Gungeon you get "gun with 20 shots that does a bit more damage"
I have to agree
I had to use mod the gungeon to give myself ammo/items for more default gun ammo, and after that it became great.
It's been a long time since I've played dead cells, so it was probably still in early access. It has probably been improved, maybe enough for B Tier, but I still find the core gameplay meh.
Isaac is simply too replayable to not be S. I haven't played Isaac that much, but it's variety is just too good.
Gungeon can be boring for some and I can see why, though, I still find it a great game.
Slay the spire may just be not for me. Maybe it's because I played roguelike deckbuilders on mobile, but Slay the spire wasn't anything too interesting for me. I picked the green guy on my second run, cleared the game, tried out the rest and wasn't too into the game after.
Whack. Never got that synergy.
Git gud kid.
i would recommend monster train. its not as polished as slay the spire but still fun. lacks content though.
currently trying out neon abyss, it got overhyped by certain people beyond annoyance, but seems okay. lack of creative synergies though, you either get multishot like contra or rockets for zane pretty much.
You are supposed to do some resource management. Kill hard and dangerous enemys with a good gun, then clear the rest of the room with your unlimited ammo gun (or any shit gun you have). You also have to keep the powerful boss killing gun's bullets for bosses.
S Tier
Dead Cells
A Tier
Nuclear Throne
Risky 1
B Tier
Streets of Rogue
Gunfire Reborn
Risky 2
Wizard of Legend
C Tier
Rogue Legacy
whats the difference between roguelite and roguelike?
I don't have much experience with these games, I played rogue legacy, wizard of legend and I have to install nuclear throne
The games you played are roguelites. Some of the definitions are a bit wishy-washy but in general I think we can all agree that roguelite means permadeath, quick runs, and you get constant progression. For example, you get crystals or whatever in Wizard of Legend that let you unlock new spells after every run
Roguelikes have the permadeath but that's about it. Some of them have some very limited permanent progression (mostly character unlocks). They are more "hardcore" in that you don't normally get stronger between runs
Depending on how autismal the people you talk to are, they might require that only ASCII games can be roguelikes, as well