Super Mario 35th Anniversary Collection and 3D World new details

>Both will be announced this July 20th
>Super Mario 64 will look slightly better but will have widescreen support
>Galaxy and Sunshine will be HD ports
>3D World will get new stuff


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>64 doesnt get the DS stars, minigames, or characters. not even the option

im still hype, but this wouldve put me over the edge

No Galaxy 2 no buy

sounds like complete shit

The minigames are probably a no-go because of the touchscreen integration but its a shame we won't get the prettier visuals or new characters from it.

Interest gone. The end.

nobody wants the DS trash nerd

sunshine, galaxy 1 and 2 still look great. just put them in HD and they'll be fine

I thought they would do HD remasters like what was done with the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro trilogies.

No longer that interested if it is literally just the games running on an emulator in 720p.

ds sucks balls, why would you want that?