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SWTOR is only sufferable if you play a class with a decent story. Without it it becomes a steaming pile of garbage.

What class did you play, and what level did you get to?

Answers user, we need context!

let me guess your playing jedi? If you wanna have fun play sith warrior or imperial agent. I'm serious the jedi/republic stories kinda suck stick to the sith ones

Because it's made for MMO normies. For the amount of money it cost to make this game they would have been better off just doing KOTOR 3 for an 8th of the budget.

Why is the agent class story so much better than the rest holy shit, it's like playing an entire different game

The writer wanted to do something other than just use obvious star wars tropes and made something unique for the setting

Do all class stories have the same writer?
Trooper class story could use some of that creativity

I believe they all had individual writers but some were clearly more creative than the rest

Trooper story was great if you just went around killing imps and slagging off the imp defector

Hamburger Helper wrote Trooper if I recall

It's an MMO. All MMOs are boring

because you didn't play sith warrior or sith inquisitor, my guess
jedi knight is alright, imperial agent is good
bounty hunter is mediocre
everyone else is trash I can't even remember what it was about
and then there is rep commando and councilor, the most boring story I've ever seen in a video game.
Sith warrior gives the most starwars per hour I think.

What i learned from the agent class story is that the sith are actually holding back the empire with their ego and retarded plots, the rule of two is really the sith way, old republic would get btfo if the empire was led by vader and sheev

Bros i just finished the trooper class story. Should i do the jedi knight next or finish the expansions first?

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it basically isn't anymore, they cut all the grind out
it's DAI in starwars with better story and even combat, but it's still a WoW tab combat

trooper is a very bad story, even jedi knight is miles better
but try empire, they got the best stories

sheeve didn't confront rebpulic head on like old sith, he became the republic
he;d fuck up like everyone else if he did

Cutting out the grind doesn't make it not boring, it just makes it shorter. Also DAI was shit.

trooper story was fucking braindead bro

Who else plays with no music and just enjoys the atmosphere and the sfx?

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Some storylines become more tolerable if you play it to one extreme. Like being a bh and telling mandalore to fuck off and killing your employers for the credits.

>show up in place
>uuuh yeah, theres a crazy sith lord doing some shit, take care of him
every time

It really is, I played it for about 5 hours recently and it was nothing but shitty combat and a little bit of shitty dialogue. Unbelievable that people pretend it's good
Also just played VTMB recently and it's 10/10 so fuck off

music is the atmosphere in starwars. are you in the right thread? star wars worth shit if you remove music

Stopped reading there. Seek help.

>im not a kiddo, i just played le shilled ""old"" game thats spammed all the time!!!!
lmao, ok skipper we get it
you were "born in le wrong generation"

Sith are shitposters, imperial intel are jannies

it becomes good when you played JKO/JA 20 times, KOTORS 12 times and even JFO twice.
It's for star wars junkies who want more star wars stories.

I miss wildstar more than some relatives

>Stopped reading there. Seek help.
Stopped reading there
you fucking turbofaggot lmao

I'm glad Zig Forums had its fun with the tortanic memes and moved on from it to discuss the game for what it is.
It's boring because level sync on the planets made the fights during the vanilla story have no difficulty. There was a time boss fights at the end of chapters actually caused you to wipe and you had to maximize DCDs, buy medpacs, and time interrupts. The only challenging single player content anymore (other than trying to solo run veteran/master flashpoints) is the Eternal Championship. If you're not invested in the story and you aren't looking forward to the end-game MMO content then this isn't the game for you.