It’s so bizarre experiencing the shifting opinions of this board. This guy was universally considered a lazy, incompetent dipshit within the first year of developing his legos for PC, and everyone wanted a better developer to take over or for someone to make a competitor to unseat Notch. Now you make a thread about what a vacuous, sad life he leads and it devolves into an argument about whether Notch is a genius that deserves to live in a palace next door to Hollywood celebrities. Everybody hated his fucking guts when he had any responsibility, and now that he literally does nothing but publicly lose touch with reality on Twitter he is a genius.
It’s so bizarre experiencing the shifting opinions of this board. This guy was universally considered a lazy...
based Notch
What you mean, Zig Forums loved minecraft when it started.
Go fuck yourself OP. The only people who hate Notch are jealous anons.
Notch is a fellow Zig Forumsirgin and still browses here. He even referenced Zig Forums in his games and protoyped it on here before mainstream success.
Made 2 billion dollars off a couple months of work and now sits in his mansion shitposting and making libtards and trannies seethe.
BASED fat fuck
he's based because he's BTFOing libtards on twitter and calling SJWs cunts
>Not based
Thanks for cuntsplaining.
The better question is why hasn't anyone tried this concept before him? The graphics are like 1998 tier. And yes I'm aware of Infiniminer but there is no way bigger devs/publishers didn't stop and think: "Bro if we made a huge lego sandbox game it could become a massive hit".
Zig Forums only likes him now because of his Twitter posts.
roblox came before minecraft
Zig Forums loved Minecraft but quickly hated Notch. The meme was that he took way to many vacations and didn’t know how to actually develop his game. People were always looking for Minecraft killers with more competent developers.
All you have to do when you are incompetent or talentless is adopt an extreme political viewpoint. Then all will be excused.
No one knows for sure what will be a hit until after it is already a hit.
a swede living in california obsessed with twitter
yeah, not based
Fact: Notch is a lazy shit who spend 80% of the development time on vacation
Fact: Notch is a genius who cashed out and now gets to live worry free the rest of his life
Fact: His tweets are pretty based
Fact: He's still a fat lazy shit
These are not mutually exclusive
it was fotm that was forgotten by vast majority of Zig Forums during infdev and its performance issues. only literal 12 year olds at the time followed the game religiously.
>the first year of development
Notch used to post progress updates here... Zig Forums is even thanked in a menu splash...
>Within the first year
Bitch, within the first year he was here on Zig Forums asking for fucking advice. Nobody hated the dude, we just wanted to help some guy with his infiniminer clone. We hated him later, when he started taking vacations for 30 days at a time almost constantly.
Has anyone watched the Interview where he told to some Youtubers he fucked their mom? That was the cringiest shit ever, especially because they helped him become succesful with billions of videos of free advertisement. He really came across as an insecure cunt.
that got removed
>deserves to live in a palace next door to Hollywood celebrities
That sounds like hell on earth, he'll fit right in.
>He even referenced Zig Forums in his games and protoyped it on here before mainstream success.
Yeah about that, the new trannybees in development hated that and removed it and also any mention about Notch in the splash screen text.
>sells all his friends to microsoft
>cries on twitter he no longer has any friends
you played yourself you fat retard
Notch was always considered a lazy fuck and no one will deny that. But he's not a loser, it’s a fact. He's more successful than anyone posting here or any of the twitterfags obsessed with him. Anyone will kill to have 1/10 of his fortune or success and a game developer
>b-b-b-but he’s a loser, I'm more spiritually richer/happier/have more friends/whatever
>sits around shitposting and playing video games all day
Or maybe is because Zig Forums is actually a lot of anons, each one with different opinions?
Zig Forums is literally full of hipsters. People think it's all "edgy" and shit, but it's not. It's just the utlimate form of contrarianism. If saying "nigger" and "faggot" were socially acceptable, this place would turn into Tumblr.
I wouldn't want his money if it meant I would look like him and be a fat, bald manlet with shitty teeth and a punchable face. No thank you. I'm aware that we are all nerds to a certain degree and more or less unlikable but he is literally a caricature.
When you cope so hard you hurt yourself
Because then fucking Microsoft took over development.
I never thought Notch was lazy though, never really minded Notch. Where did that sentiment spawn?
So? He sold it, so why would he care what they do with it?
To actually have so many functional blocks does require significant computing power. There is no way this could have been done in 1998. The blocks would have been way bigger and then the game wouldn't be fun. Even in Minecraft the blocks are still quite big and it isn't at all obvious that people wouldn't mind that. In hindsight sure, but at the time if you had suggested it people might reasonably say "lol shit graphics who wants to play that".
He's about as imaginative with insults as Zig Forums is so you're not wrong there
>election tourists care more about someones politics than they do the quality of the stuff they make
this comes as a surprise to you?
physical appearance
Notch removed us from the splash screen and now he posts here crying that he got removed from the splash screen and expects people to care
this and some bitter people were asshurt because some Zig Forums poster made a game
Imagine being so jealous that you waste time criticizing people on twitter like that. Its literally just being mean for no reason.
wrong lol