He won

He won.

Attached: seth.jpg (1280x720, 67.77K)

What was the point of this character in the game? Genuinely asking as I haven't played the game and don't want to.

why would you care then

How so? He was forced to apologize.

bigot sandwiches

look at that a**hole

>older conservative is derided by libshit zoomers for questioning their made up LGBT bullshit.
>he laughs last as the dyke zoomer ends up alone and miserable
Based. If Ellie had just settled down with a good man and raised a family then she would be happier for it.

Why do bigots always win

Shhhhh let people deny reality. If you dont they will call you a bigot for pointing out the truth

>Based. If Ellie had just settled down with a good man and raised a family then she would be happier for it.