>Linux already runs modern games better using WINE/DXVK than Windows
Linux already runs modern games better using WINE/DXVK than Windows
What's the point of Linux besides being different? I can't into tech so I don't know why people choose it
Completely customizable, mostly open source, and it's no secret that w10 is literal spyware
Dang now that would be crazy if DX didn't exist.
I use Mint on my laptop, but games and work demand Windows for ease-of-use and making the most out of my hardware. If DX ran natively though, it'd be Linux on my desktop and Windows on my laptop.
>Linux can run a VERY SMALL amount of games better than windows
>Most sitll run worse
W O W time to change to linux!!
>going through dependency hell just to run some AAA instead of just dual booting/gpu passthrough
like why
you know you can use DXVK on windows right?
No one wants to use Linux dude. Its incredibly unintuitive and needs a dictionary sized reference just to properly navigate its file system. Dont respond saying that its easy and simple to use because its not its an annoying and shitty experience. Windows remains supreme deal with it penguin fuckers.
so nothing interesting
>Completely customizable, mostly open source, and it's no secret that w10 is literal spyware
I'm entirely on linux atm (manjaro) and there are very few games I'm unable to play at 144hz. The only time you run into problems is windows specific anticheats, but most good FPS don't implement anticheat this way.
complete customization and not being spied on is nothing interesting?
I think only a projecting jawlet would even consider using this as an insult desu
good, I just hope it keeps filtering "people" like you away
10 rupees have been deposited in your microsoft account
windows also have customization
everything is spyware according to Zig Forums yet I never had any security issue
>dictionary sized reference just to properly navigate its file system
Nonsense. This is easier to understand than Winblows mess of a system.
>windows also have customization
yeah barely. windows 'ricing' is like a wallpaper change and some reskins. you can change anything with linux.
>everything is spyware according to Zig Forums yet I never had any security issue
buddy it's built in. you're secure to outside threats but microsoft and nsa are wide open. this is public knowledge at this point.
so literal rgb autism but for your OS, nothing interesting
and why should I care?
>so literal rgb autism but for your OS, nothing interesting
I never said anything about visual customization in the first place. You can do *anything* with your operating system. Functionally.
>and why should I care?
I can't spoonfeed why you should have a spine user. You have rights.
That is a fucking lie and you know it. Besides, they don't show you all the time they had to fix crashes and bugs. Ar that you need an specific hardware configuration to (maybe) get the same results.
As much as I like linux and FOSS, it's not the best way to gaming on pc. Windows is the most convenient, efficient and easiest for gaming.
I like how you intentionally "forgot" to quote the entire reason only so you could strawman your point across.
>07/15/20(Wed)20:26:56 No.517087968
> (You) #
>I think only a projecting jawlet would even consider using this as an insult desu
07/15/20(Wed)20:29:14 No.517088228
(You) #
10 rupees have been deposited in your microsoft account
linuxtards fear the pajeet. The ultimate boogieman
Btw your snowflake os is shit and gay
Yeah, Linux is only good for general usage and maybe some specific shit outside of gaming, like music production.
Sorry for your shit genetics user. Try mewing I guess.
>I can't spoonfeed why you should have a spine user. You have rights.
everytime I ask someone why should I care about "muh spyware" they give me this answer
how about this time you tell me why for a change?
tell me why would they care about my data in particular, a literal who poorfag, when they have access to half of the planet's data?
It's fine for gaming in 99% of cases.
It's a bit dishonest, yes. While I get a better mean FPS using WINE/Proton I also get more FPS dips and microstutter on some games.
>everytime I ask someone why should I care about "muh spyware" they give me this answer
What other answer could there POSSIBLY be? Why does someone need to go out of their way to explain to you why privacy matters?
but i have an nvidia card
Having to deal with an abstraction layer to play most games that may increase or decrease performance, not to mention any visual bugs, is just annoying. If I didn't give a shit about games as much as I did now I'd totally switch to it as a daily driver.
The user experience is unironically better on Linux.
if everything is spyware, nothing is spyware
Yes the performance will take a marginal hit, especially on older hardware. I'm running a 1060 and can still play most games on high with 144hz.
>if everything is spyware, nothing is spyware
You're just a walking fallacy aren't you? I've only pointed fingers at windows 10.
>like music production.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, retard. Linux isn't suitible for music production at all considering the high-end programs doesn't even run with WINE. Proper music is one of few things that you can't do well in Linux. All you have are "toy" programs like fruitloops etc.
Gaming on the other hand works 90%+ of the time.
You're obviously not even using Linux you fucking wannabe.
I want to play games, not play the linux distro and debugging/maintenance/compatibility game to get to run the same game
Also the main program I use for work doesn't have a linux version and no good equivalent.
None of that makes any sense faggot.
Retard. How about you stop using other tech illitirates(like /g/) as sources and learn trough proper channels instead?
Windows 10 telemetry isn't even an obscure feature. It's out in the open.
If you can't understand why companies use your private information without paying you for it can be problematic for you then no one is obviously gonna spend their time and energy spoonfeeding you the facts. You're just too ignorant for anyone to spend energy on.
linux is for people who can't into powershell
you're posting on a website that is directly linked to google via recaptcha, they have access to your IP and what you post, a literal spyware board
so why is it an issue when windows does it but not when the whole internet does it?
>they have access to your IP
This doesn't explain what any of the folders are for. I've been on linux a year and still don't know the purpose of most.
That would be an argument if the *only* thing *anyone* ever did on a pc was post on Zig Forums. But once again you're just grasping at nothing.
>abloo bloo please migrate to linux
you still haven't posted why it's such a big issue