Some people tell me this is the best Harvest Moon game every made

Some people tell me this is the best Harvest Moon game every made
What makes it so special ?

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nostalgia. it is really fun though

Harvest Moon Animal Parade is the best.

hm psx is identical but with a better map and some extra features

It was the basis for Back to Nature, which in turn was made better with Friends of Mineral Town.
The pecking order goes FoMT > BtN > 64. The girl versions are irrelevant.

BtN was better but I am nostalgic for the 64 soundtrack.

those people are wrong, FoMT is the best HM

Where to store items in FoMT? Just started and have a bunch of stone and logs in my inventory

Why is FoMT better than BtN?

food in the fridge and other stuff in the bookcase/tool box
the inventory is FoMT's greatest drawback, it would be perfect if only items stacked in the rucksack

you need to buy a cupboard thru the shopping channel later on iirc , but I think theres a dedicated storage for logs in that one I dont really remember sorry

>please be patient, I have retardation

i playing the new Friends of mineral town remake and have two questions
1. Do i have to hurry to marry someone or can i take my time romancing all the girls before choosing to marry one?
2. Is the game timed any other way? does it stop apruptly or rate you at certain point in time?

FoMT is better but this one had better charm imo it was my introduction to the series and the only reason why I like farming sim elements in my modern vidya nowadays

It's the same game with extra content.

1. yes every bachlorette has a respective rival and if you dont hurry up and marry them they will get married to the rival if you end up seeing all their events to the finish
2. not that I remember, I think it was this one (or another one) if you dont get married after a certain amount of time the mayor kicks you out of the village, it mightve been the ps1 game

>and the only reason why I like farming sim elements in my modern vidya nowadays
what modern games have farming sim elements?

fucking harsh. guess ill concentrate on ran and popuri and pick whoevers less annoying( (popuri is leading, ran just got sick from overeating)

Comfiest aesthetic and setting, with some of the best festivals, events, and characterizations, despite a weak localization. It has aged hard, but it was so good for it's time that most people who played it in its time still hold it up as one of their favorites. The soundtrack is very charming too.


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rival marriages were removed in the switch reremake

Oh ok, thanks.

Built a bunch of fences with it for now

HM64 was just put together really well. It's the third game in the series, and you can consider it to be sort of like the ALttP of the HM series. It perfected the original formula, while the later games like BTN expanded on it.

Rune Factory
Animal Crossing
Story of Seasons
Farming Simulator
Stardew Valley

that's annoying
I always felt that the bit of jealousy the game evoked and the feelings of romantic competition were a hallmark of the marriage feature of the harvest moon series

There are no rival marriages in SoS: FoMT.

so can i take all the time i want or will the mayor kick me out eventually?

I heard HM/Story of Season got released on Steam
is it fun? Is it a loyal port of FoMT or just of that new garbage that came with the name change?

Any Wonderful Life gamers in the thread?

Who's the best girl and why is it Nami?

yeah, the japs couldn't handle getting NTR'd so they removed them
that only happens in the PS1 version

It's a remake. It's FoMT with an all new coat of paint, new events, new marriage options, new animals, new crops, new clothes, and updated gameplay mechanics/improved QOL.

neat. will get it. was looking for something to burn time on.
Tried Stardew Valley but it was absolutely garbage for me. I don't know why and I hate to use that word but its literally souless.

I've played every game in the series. AWL isn't one of my favorites, but I hold the first year of the gameplay near and dear. Nami is second to Muffy in my heart.

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