Goty 2020

goty 2020

muslims BTFO

Attached: mosque massacre simulator.png (1175x803, 424.99K)


Brenton Tarrant is a retard who got my guns rights here in kiwiland taken away fuck him

Is this article using "sick" in the vein of "awesome" or as in "disgusting"?

>its a shitty unity asset flip
Why are rightoids utterly incapable of making good video games? Ethnic Cleansing looks embarassing too. The closest thing to a good game they've ever produced is Moonman Doom.

The game is about killing Muslims, do you really have to ask?

this site has an "Adolf Hitler" category?

>implying this isn't a false flag to get games to have an ethics committee and bow to sjw

You need to go on a kill rampage with illegally obtained guns then. Get off your ass and make a difference.

that's more of a problem with your government, they did exactly what he wanted