Soul Calibur 2
Why is this so much better than every titte that came afterwards?
Soul Calibur 2
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Devs hadn't used up their creative energy. It's a finite resource.
I can't stand Soul Calibur 6. It makes me so goddamn irrationally angry every time I boot it up. I hate everything about it. Shitty character models that look bathed in oil 24/7, shitty CAS options compared to past games, FUCKING Soul Reversals, dogshit Cast compared to others, atrocious online play and virtually no Theater mode so you can actually take good screenshots of the fucking game
But the thing that makes me angry the most, is the constant reminder that the Soul Calibur franchise is on life support, where Bandai Namco gives themso little money to work with that they're forced to cut corners on extremely important areas of the game.
Soul Calibur desereves so much more, but because it doesn't make Bandai Namco Billions and Billions of money like other titles, the team is forced to take what little scraps BN gives them
Namco is a terrible publisher in general.
Because SCII is not riddled with too many mechanics and feels like a proper contest. Not to mention peak designs, good solo content and holy fuck Taki's tiddies.
I bet you don't even know what made SC2 stand out from the rest.
Its not, i love SC2 but pretending its better than V is just wrong
SC2 is riddled with bugs however from Gstep to 2G to soulcharge, the game is a mess. the people nut hugging it likely dont even play the game.
I spent many nights as a boy imagining the smell down there... your nose on her girlpart... through the fabric...
stopped reading there. no one gives a shit about your casual opinion.