Can we have a 3x3 thread?
Can we have a 3x3 thread?
William Fisher
Other urls found in this thread:
Kayden Kelly
For KH2, FFXV and Nier Automata
Matthew Thomas
abysmal taste, except for digimon world, which is great.
Hudson Reyes
Does anyone actually change Garnets name to Dagger? When I have the option is change it back to Garnet immediately
Adrian Brown
her name is Sarah
Carson Gomez
meanwhile you seem like a retarded boomer who hasn't enjoyed video games in ten years and is too idiotic to let go of his childhood memories
not OP btw, but your chart is way worse
Ian Sullivan
Template here
Adam James
Carter Long
cope harder animepedo
Dylan Sanchez
god what awful taste this has to be bait