Is Bayonetta Devil May Cry for coomers or is Devil May Cry Bayonetta for gay men?
Is Bayonetta Devil May Cry for coomers or is Devil May Cry Bayonetta for gay men?
Bayonetta is a poor man's DMC.
They're both for coomers
>coomers coom to Bayonetta
>coomers coom to Dante
>coomers coom for Vergil (to give him motivation)
>coomers coom to Fuck You (reboot) and pipsqueak Fuck You
>coomers coom to 2's black waifu
>coomers want V because they think V stands for virginity
I convinced a gay friend to give DMC5 a try after showing him a picture of Dante's model where he's half naked and showing his abs. It worked. He already liked Bayonetta for the "yaassss kween slayyy" factor.
Devil May Cry is exclusively for people who like pizza
I'm a bifag, never played any DMCs but when I saw Dante's face in the promo material for 5, I knew I had to try it. I wish Japan made more male character who actually looked manly, and not like 16 year olds.
seethe harder cuhrazy kid
Which one launched first OP?