You are only allowed to post 10/10 boss fights in this thread.
You are only allowed to post 10/10 boss fights in this thread
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too easy
dmc4 was kind of repetitive but the final boss was really satisfying
So? Vergil 3 is piss easy too, but he's also cool as fuck.
1/10 boss
But you fight him like 10 times,
(10 * 1/10 = 10/10) so technically a 10/10 boss fight
Literally baby's first boss
Nothing good about his fight.
Whatever fag still enjoyed
unironically gascoigne
he looks cool as fuck but his fight was slightly underwhelming desu
It's shit.
Best dragon boss fight in any fucking game ever
pattern recognition garbage for autistic diabetic fat pieces of shit... i will laugh when they are going to amputate your foot.
Every boss in KI:U
That's not Grigori.
not even better than guardian dragon
guardian dragon is a trash fight but at least it doesnt try to act like its better than it is
midir gets this pretentious orchestra music, and all these huge, exciting looking attacks which can all just be avoided by mashing the circle button, all while being an obnoxious damage sponge
Kalameet > Sihn > Guardian Dragon > Midir > Dragon God > Ancient Dragon
Owl father was great
Even if he is a total jobber you can't deny it
>the attacks can be avoided by dodging
>therefore bad
what the fuck are you on about?
button mashing will fuck you fuck you up with midir.
I agree Kalamama is better though.
You're forgetting Ancient Wyvern, best dragon boss in the series.
>Best dragon boss fight in any fucking game ever
>hasn't played any games: the post
>Kalameet > Sihn > Guardian Dragon > Midir
Holy shit, lol
What makes a good boss fight, Zig Forums?
its over..
>return of motifs from the other Owl fight but amped the FUCK up\
a good sense of back and forth, high tension, all attacks fall within reactable range, you know just standard stuff
I've never understood all the Sinh dickriding desu. Dark Souls 2 bosses are by and large so dull and uninspired that a middling effort feels like some incredible boss, is that it? If it wasn't for the cheaply tacked on status infliction Sinh would be a total pushover.
what a fuck ugly game
>You will know this devil's power...
It was a very easy and underwhelming fight to be honest.