>say word
>money stolen
Why is this allowed?
Say word
Then don’t say the word, dummy.
>agree to terms
>violate terms
thats why
leftist games are cancer anyways
The game developers still own the license to the game you purchase. You technically don't own any games or movies that you buy. You rent them and only pay for them once. It's scummy, but if it weren't the case you would be able to freely reproduce as many copies of the game as you want.
>pathetic racist clown is drawn in the style of le funny nazi comic
Pretty based.
well at least the creator has a appropriate name.
Proof of this happeneing?
Should have read the EULA retard
Welcome to the real world children
fruit snacks
They revoked your license
It has occurred to me that this is a bait thread
Why is it so hard for you to just shut the frick up?
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
holy mother of cringe
C-can i have some?
I mean...
theres a new definition of whats offensive basically everyday now.
Best to just say nothing in online games anymore.
because it's funny when you get other people banned
2020 and leftists still can't meme
Go buy Bezos bitcoins
are they good for you?
What did you say? And how do you feel about getting btfo in this thread
We need to have a gamercaust
brb guys my pizzas here
so salty. just nuke this thread already since we can't nuke you
Im back (With pizza lol)
Stop being silly and people might stop calling you silly. Not right away though but keep it up for a month or two and you'll be fine. Yes, joining the alt-right was an extremely silly mistake but you can still come back. For your own sake, I mean.
>make thing I dont like go awayyyy
Is it just me or Zig Forums is seriously losing influence? It feels like most of Zig Forums has turned against them. Is it because conservatives have realized they've been voting against their very own economic interests?
The left truly can't meme
No, Zig Forums seems stronger than ever. In fact we need to hire some professional agencies to fight the meme war for us, leftybros...
its stronger than ever that's why Zig Forums being counter culture has to shift the other direction
>this thread
The sme kind of people who get banned for toxic behavior are also the kind of people who reject business regulation.
>Buy product
>Product can be remotely disabled by companies because someone's feelings got hurt
Private companies are entitled to do as they want, the problem is that people are enabling this shit by effectively renting their games.
Not that guy, but do you honestly think that webcomic above is funny? Are you familiar with pic related or too new?
>toxic behavior
Jesus fucking christ, does it actually say that.
>co-opting boulder thrower's style to epic own the racists
every comic made in this style will never come off as anything less than seething and I dont even like stonetoss
>play games made for cucks
>surprised when cucked
every time...
>buy a new car
>run someone over in it
>go to jail
>can't drive new car, money stolen
>they have video games in jail
>press any button to continue
>press the power button
>game turns off
oh my gawd
>literally no joke at all, just "I AM SILLY"
leftoid trannies truly cannot meme at all
>What's that smell?
>try to be online edgelord
>everyone cringes at you and then report you
>break the rulse you were aware of
>get banned
>cry about it on Zig Forums
Have sex
Go back
These are popping up over multiple threads.
Fucking pol right wingers trying to reverse psychology us into hating the left again.
God I hate election year, you can all go fuck yourselves.
>ask for proof
>given no proof
Not surprised
>>filename starts with tumblr
don't you want to go back and type some totally lgbtq+100 friendly rape fetish story?