Why do you fucking faggots post spoilers in every goddamn thread? I'm sick of this shit...

Why do you fucking faggots post spoilers in every goddamn thread? I'm sick of this shit. And the mods do nothing to stop it.

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why are you in threads about games you haven't played retard

It's called having a fucking discussion. Is that a foreign concept for niggers like you?

I agree with you 100% but i've learned to just not browse Zig Forums whenever there's a new release i'm interested in until i finished it myself. I mean it's not like if the enjoyment of others is a priority in most anons' minds.

But the problem is some people are such scumbags, they post a thread with spoilers in the OP. I remember I was in the middle of playing Bioshock 1 and some douche posted a huge spoiler on Zig Forums. I still enjoyed it but man that blew the story hard for me.


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>It was spoiled that Abby is a tranny
That was obvious though

stfu. when I want to avoid spoilers on a game, you know where the last place I go is? fucking Zig Forums. holy shit are you retarded? thats like going to a spots website when youre trying to avoid a game you haven't watched yet and then getting mad at the sports website.

its your responsibility, not ours.

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Zig Forums is the shithole of the internet, user. Of course people are gonna be scumbags, especially when it comes to spoilers. It's fun to shitpost but don't expect any kind of serious videogame discussion on here, and certainly don't expect these faggots to respect stuff like spoiler tags. Just finish the games you're interested in before browsing Zig Forums.

This. Someone just fucking spoiled Tsushima in the 500+ post thread.