*double clicks*
*double clicks*
Michael Harris
Jason Ortiz
I have two of them, no double clicks or scroll wheel probs.
Christian Sanchez
why does a computer mouse have to look like that
Benjamin Cook
deactivated the 2 buttons left of mouse1.... if only my g400 was still alive.
Colton Baker
I hate that i can't bind anything to the 2 buttons
Leo Brooks
Not yet, unlike the two MX518s I used to have
Oliver Anderson
Mine works just fine and I've had it for over 3 years
Justin Peterson
worthless rat
Julian Garcia
>rapidly scrolls back up every time you scroll down
Levi Edwards
jokes on you loser, I bought 32 replacement switches for 30 cents from china a year and a half ago. this shit will last me until the plastic liquefies.