Will there ever be anymore brothel content for this game? The GFXP scenes are so good. What kind of scenes do you want updated?
Will there ever be anymore brothel content for this game? The GFXP scenes are so good...
This shit fuckin sucked
We need more monsters before brothel.
The game needs better battle system before anything else.
At least some
>male protagonist
>no pregnancy
remind me why I would play this?
There's plenty of monsters though. I guess it could stand to have more lizard girls or something like that. I'm more a fan of clandestine encounters in general though, so if it had that I'd be satisfied.
>no pregnancy
But that's wrong.
Brave to assume I’d want to stop it.
I want some actual monsters, not just anime girls with funny ears.
Not even proper tentacle monsters.
I want more gameplay related content. Fucking about in town is fun for 5 minutes.
>But that's wrong.
The tavern encounter literally has both of those. A legit lizard girl with scales and shit, and a tentcle monster. Plus one of the Warlock routes involves getting fucked by a tentacle demon or some shit.
Yeah, the townsquare encounters are good, but can only be repeated once every three days or something. And there's the alleyway encounters, but you can blow (hue) through those too. What would you want to do around town though?
I see your Urka and raise you the Dark Elf.
>yeah bro the Dullahan gf has the best scenes...
Aside from the tentacles the only other real monster is the giant cultist demon.
>The tavern encounter literally has both of those
Static events are boring, give me enemies to fight.
The tavern encounter is one of the best scenes in the game, but it's basically 1/4 of the content as a single normal enemy
It's funny because you're wrong, unless by Dullahan you mean the Gadgeteer.
Wasp, Mermaid, Goblin.
Plus the demon summoned by the warlock, but yeah. You can also get rammed by a warg if you lose against Trudy. Wargs are monsters, right?
I know what you mean though. Unfortunately the game has become less 'try not to get fucked by monsters, wink wink' and more of a girldick waifu simulator version of CoC.
>Wasp, Mermaid, Goblin.
Also Spider-Mommy gf
This is the most obtuse fucking porn game I've ever played. The art is good but they don't know a fucking thing about proper game design
Plays fine for me.
How? The combat has a bunch of unnecessary complexity but it still just boils down to "attack until your stability is too low, then defend until it's full again" and everything else is really simple
Everyone in this thread is gay.
yes and?
Seeing the beauty in the male form isn't gay, user
What non-animated scene do you want to see animated? For me, it's the spitroast by the werewolves in training in the brothel.
Nah that's gay.
How can you really love a woman if you dont love yourself and other men with big strong penises and arms and chests
I don't love anything, because love is for gays.
not loving stuff is pretty gay