He's just like me!

>He's just like me!

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I want him to sit on my face and fart

I would have done it much more quickly and with less tools.

i don't think he would want to do that

>normal person builds a PC
>does it quietly and enjoys their new hardware
>"celebrity" builds a PC
>pictures, documentation, people worshiping them for doing it all by themselves like a grown-up, articles

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knew he was a poser from the start

how do u know that are you his mother


sounds like coping

>trying to make history
>but who's to judge
>the right from wrong

I'm his fart slave and he says only I get to be sat on sorry kiddo

Meanwhile in consoletard land

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His grandma curtains are funny.

sorry no one gave a shit when you built your potato

Seething with jealousy at the might of the PC CHAD

He does have a nice ass

are you new to celebrity culture?

I just want him to fuck me so hard I can't sit down for at least a month, is that so wrong?

I would have simply bought a pre-built computer, and then using the time I had saved I would sit down and read a nice book.

imagine reading star wars shit

grandmacore decoration is pure comfy if you avoid the old person smell

>being mad no one cares about your day
Its okay I care user what did you do today?
Oh okay

Looked better without the beard imo

The guys hot but really you need to fucking get over him already this is unhealthy.

He certainly knows how to assemble a PC because he threw time for cable management and fixed his AIO orientation.

He's definitely ashamed of the parts that he bought, he went out of his to blur them all.

He's a millionaire you think he didn't get top of the line everything?

I like that it's not completely filled with leds

I assume he blurred them to avoid the assumption that he's shilling.

he got a ryzen bro, LMAO
Imagine being a multimillionaire and paying for performance per dollar copeshit. I'd hide it in shame too.

Fuck you, the game wasn’t amazing but that PS4 is cool. Spider-Man is undoubtedly the best superhero

imagine honking his chest while hes assembling his pc pecs haha

imagine sitting behind him and embracing him while he reads the manual

celebrities blur stuff like this because they dont want to give out free advertising not because of shame or stuff.

god i want to suffocate to death in his taint

>PC players are essentially just gossip-gals

>nzxt ghetto loop
henry you twat

It's called having fun you actual sperg, I know it's a foreign concept to you console cultists

I can feel the energy on his eyes, just like us

One day I will be a thick as him. Mark my words anons.

retard detected

What is it about Henry that makes consolebabies seethe so much?

intelfag detected
cope harder with the fact that intel is fucking trash in 2020

Was it rape?

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you forgot the fact that women were upset at the simple fact that he plays video games

Do you think he plays skyrim on it?

reeks of soi

what case is he using?? it looks lie nice and wide for great cable management

Ryzen is top of the line now. Intel is spiralling down the shitter faster than you can blink.

>Try to add Henry on steam to co-op campagin some warhammer 2
>He still hasn't accepted my request 2 months later
He probably just gets a lot of spam, I should just send another request right?