Everything is fine

>everything is fine

Attached: Screenshot_20200717-215026_Chrome.jpg (1080x1043, 357.51K)

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>b-but it is the fastest selling snoy game, according to these twitter charts.
Top kek

there should be government investigations into these bribed faggot journalists.

If only there was some kind of video game consumer movement the government could have listened to...

>Sold more than 4 mil copies
>Actually breaking records
Cope chink

They are still there though? Or am I doing it wrong?

>"America's Doomsday"
What did China mean by this?

The setting of TLOU2. Post apoc US, not that difficult user.

Only breaking snoy records, and surpassing games that were sold when the playerbase of sony was only 80 million. When TLOU2 launched it was 120 million. But for some reason it didn't sell that much more in the first month then God of war. Probably because people generally think it is a bad game. Which it is.

bunch of babies
You should buy games for their gameplay and tlou2 played great

Shut the fuck up

Could it be...? No, it couldn’t......

Mediocre gameplay at best. Add the totally incompetent writing and it is a failure of a game, that looked good if you stand still.

I'm balls deep in your sister as we speak

Don't reply to me retard


The levels of cope these shills are doing is hilarious, this game is not selling

Attached: 004BE724-76F9-403F-8C38-E751D7C6092B.jpg (4032x3024, 1022.76K)

Damn, Ironman VR must be making millions. How many copies did it sell?

Yikes... #norefunds

I’m not sure how many copies Best Buy ordered for Iron Man, but for fun let’s just assume every single row was full when the shipment arrived. Using that assumption and counting how many games each row has, both TLOU2 and Iron Man sold about 7 copies.

So Iron Man should be pushing 4 million copies, right?

I think that depends on how many PSVR owners there are, the minority of people who actually want to play TLOU2 have already bought it, everyone else who learned about the story didn’t want to play it

Fuck China, all they get from now on is our shitty tranny games and no refunds

If only you faggots didn't make it about non-issues instead of the actual problem...

The actual problem was whores ruining our hobby just like it's always been.

And that is why nobody is listening to you.

What switch game is that on the bottom left?

And that's why I'm buying 1/10th the amount of video games I used to.

>And that is why nobody is listening to you.
Good work Mr. Noseberg. Tell that goy he is wrong.

Attached: 1595033956028.jpg (590x639, 206.47K)

Is he wrong though?

My local store in my country had a bunch of them in the shelves and they were already selling it in $49.99.
I'll go take a photo tomorrow

Brazil is not a country but a shithole, user

yeah, click on it, try to buy the game, see what happens

>Fastest selling game of june
>Biggest sale this year so far
Okay OP the game totally flop

>>Fastest selling game of june
>>Biggest sale this year so far
According to these very specific perameters and without any actual sales numbers to back them up.

What the fuck is Taobao?

Mediocre how? Explain which systems you didnt enjoy?

Who gives a fuck about the chinks?

Very anecdotal

The Best Buy near me had a whole shelf of them.

Fuck them, and fuck the CCP. I hope their country burns.