Crysis Remastered on Switch

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Why isn't nintendo willing to keep up with the hardware of sony or microsoft consoles?

Nintendo now has the definitive versions of
Duke Nukem
Ion Maiden
Making it the best platform for first person shooters.

I wanna see this shit in handheld mode

Because Nintendo is in a different lane, peasant.

Sorry guys I mean PC

itt: snoycope

Attached: 1362287614879.jpg (1060x1024, 155.07K)

Definitely the best-looking Switch game and visually it's pretty impressive.
That said, 720p30 is shit.

I'm guessing handheld mode will be 540p like Warface. Or maybe they'll just stick to 720p and let the dynamic resolution become more aggressive.

Was this leaked yet? I want to pirate it.

>240p 10FPS

Looks good. Distant trees draw distance obviously isn't as good as PC ultra, but it looks really good.

Because the last time that happened was the Gamecube, a console that sold so poorly Nintendo almost had to give them away. Seriously, the thing dropped to $99 new at some point.

>"Why doesn't Nintendo try to compete with people below them"
Nintendo is doing their own shit, they don't care what Xbox and PS4 do

> muh graphics
Crysis was always a boring fps and it will remain a boring fps on a new generation of consoles


>Global illumination
Am i getting fucking worked here i am pretty sure the global lightning was the fucking same in the original

Wait, Zig Forums told me switch is a weak tablet. how can it run crysis?

Wait what


Then why do they bother getting these multiplats game who usually run poorly even by console standard, shouldn't they stick to their exclusives

At least half of them have gyro support, so maybe everyone else will wake up and start implementing it.

Nintendo isn't working on Crysis Remastered for the switch. It's the developer who wants their game on Nintendo's platform and hired a team to port it to the switch.

Crysis is 13 years old.

Because it’s a handheld

Why don't they just release it on a literal potato instead (for better CPU power)

It took 10 years for "does it run crysis" meme to die tho, it was that much ahead of its time.

>xD why bother get multiplat"
Because it boosts their libraries, thus the console is more impressive. And fuck, most of the time, devs come to Nintendo not the other way around.
>Runs worse than Xbox and PS4
They all run like shit, who cares. Consolefags are always disingenuous. You care about how it looks and runs now, but in a PC thread you'd say that shit doesn't matter and it's dumb and gay then go pre-order your 4rd PS5. Fuck you tard

Why isn't GBA as powerful as PS2?

Yes. the Turok port is great.

Cope with what? I've played all three games twice and the first Crysis is easily the worst of them. It's a graphics showcase but a boring game.

PC is better.

>They all run like shit, who cares. Consolefags are always disingenuous. You care about how it looks and runs now,

Imagine actually comparing PS4/XOne to the Switch i mainly use PC sometimes PS4 but i find it actually impossible to play half of the Switch multiplat library on a bigger TV shit is fucking blurry as it gets its basically an oil painting doesnt help that the textures are fucking trash too because the thing has basically no memory i dont know why the fuck wouldnt you just buy a Lite its not like playing this fucker on a TV is good

Didn't even know there was a Turok port, just looking in to it senpai

>Imagine actually comparing PS4/XOne to the Switch
>imagine comparing unstable 30 FPS with shit resolution to unstable 24 FPS with shit resolution
Sure showed me user

>500p is just like 1080p

>720p, 30fps in 2020

Jesus Christ


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Attached: switch shitposter logic.jpg (590x800, 191.38K)

Lmao PS4/XOne games are fucking crystal clear sharp as fuck compared to the Switch games