Look at her go!

Look at her go!

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these are consistently the best threads on Zig Forums at any given time

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why are her feet so enormous

Bros this is so cute and funny. I love little girls.

Little girls are great. But once you scumbags get down to 4-5 year olds I tap out.

Not good enough

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well nobody finds toddlers attractive anyway

She's a footslut

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user, I...

I hate you people.

you know what they say about people with big feet

What went wrong in your lives to end up being sexually attracted to children?

Why does everyone want fictional little girls so much?

This nigger equates fiction and reality.

every day young life!

>that awful body model
Yikes, atlus cant do anything right

bro anything under 12 is just (you) farming

This nigger hails from twitter and reddit, and is an ironic lolicon to be part of a niche trend


what's wrong with it

not naked

it's called toddlercon

Its not noticeable on the full picture. Its the same deal with big hands. If they did it the right size it would actually look really small and unproportional

What is the point of this thread? Pedobaiting? Can we keep this shit off here?


Fairly certain Zig Forums is well past the stage of irony and we've got full blown lolicons in here shitposting.

Look at her right arm (left of the screen)

I don't get it either man. women are so loving and loyal these days.


Girls peak at 8 though

Clearly someone hasn't been to

Week 12:

Still no Brazil dancing dog greenscreend beside her

Nice projection, tourist. Zig Forums is a lolicon website.

now that I think about it I don't think I've seen any 3d nanako porn, is there a reason for that?

Yes, and? Looks like you missed the point

Looks like you missed your website.

This shit happened back in 2009 on Zig Forums, not sure if ancientfags from 2005-06 were like this. Probably not.

No, they’re still great. I get that. Just not people lusting after 5 year olds. I might be a retarded pedo but not that level of retarded pedo.

LOL you're just randomly attacking people in confusion

I agree, 7-12 is the peak.

Maybe they haven't ripped her model, but I'm not sure

I'd rather keep redditors off here.


Tongue my anus, bitch.

I think it's funny when you put on the heavy metal guitars and she just goes for it

Be honest.
Would you?

I was born this way.

This, it's a travesty

No. They're disgusting.

Ahh, the classic pedophile excuse.

why do you even have to ask?

Of course. 3D only though.

It's not an excuse, I literally have been attracted to little girls since I was 6.

06 Oldfag here. Loli wasnt attacked by gen Z and election tourists or even bots back then. Eventually gen Z started invading cause rules 1 and 2 didn't matter to the average newfag and brought in hoards of more newfags. Then you had people spamming spiderman and Zig Forums was being invaded by all sorts of shit like furfaggotry aka why /mlp/ was made and attention whores including attention whoring men which is why we have /soc/ which didnt matter anyway cause Zig Forums is now filled with /soc/ faggotry. Anybody who attacks loli is a newfag and anybody who can't stop shouting "CUNNY M-MUH" like an indian tech support worker on break is also a newfag trying to fit in like an oldfag. It's not 2006 anymore nobody except for newfags talk like that.

Imagine her grinding your balls to dust doing that

that's some good bait with just a pinch of retard

>I liked children when I was a child
No shit. I guess everybody is a pedophile then. Retard.

Yeah they were all friendly family men hanging out the the popular 2005 family social network Zig Forums.org and suddenly left to Myspace when it opened.

I feel like anyone can fap to lolicon if desensitized enough to see past the "protect children" aspect. Lolis are cute, are kinda feminine and have female genitalia, all of which gives tons of leeway to fap to lolicon doujinshi even when children themselves don't really attract you.
Now we can extend this real children, but the point I want to make is that being able to fap to lolis never really equals pedophilia, since pedophilia is the primary attraction to children.
There is also the fetishization aspect, people who are both attracted to children AND adults. It's strange how much of this is left out whenever lolicon is discussed.

I would Nanako, but I wouldn't touch the girl in OP with a ten foot pole

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>I can't fucking read