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Other urls found in this thread:


I dont get it

What does it mean

Where is he? He's late.

I don't get it

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Horse fucker


Don't you guys feel remorse for constantly prodding and provoking an individual that's severely mentally ill?

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hello false-flagging GOP shills. Just a reminder to you right-wing retards coming here from reddit and stormfront; we do not want you. You will never be a 4channer.
We used to troll stormfront because they're a bunch of racist hicks.
We used to troll David Duke's radio show because he's a racist piece of reactionary trash.
We hated Bush.
We hated organized religion.
One of our primary reasons for trolling Chris Chan is because he said racist things to a black kid at his local card shop and constantly spewed homophobic bigotry in his outrage videos on youtube
We marched in the streets for OccupyWallStreet.
The racism and other forms of bigotry here were always ironic.
I know you retards think you hit the jackpot by shilling here and brainwashing underaged white kids whose brains aren't fully developed; but trust me; Trump will never be re-elected.

>horse pussy

wow I didn't know Shmorky was this based

Horse pussy


>One of our primary reasons for trolling Chris Chan is because he said racist things to a black kid at his local card shop and constantly spewed homophobic bigotry in his outrage videos on youtube
Out of all the history rewritting in your post this is the most blatant, I suggest you take it out the next time you copy paste this because it gives it away too easily.

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Far from it, I feel nothing but amusement and merriment from it. You should try it too.

We grew up

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Derp > AJ > Flut > the rest are good too.

Wait, that guy is actually unironically mentally ill?

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Best thread on Slash Vee right now

I dont know why people complain about pebblethrow some of his comics are funny

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What is going on in this thread?

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Oh no no no no no no.

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Normally I'd feel bad for someone in his position, but really he brings it entirely on himself. People aren't mailing him pony shit at his house or anything, it's pictures posted on an imageboard. Any suffering he feels is his own fault and fully deserved. I don't give a shit about the show, but I'd love to see gr15 repealed just so he either fucks off or kills himself. Especially because he's also almost certainly just as autistic in other ways and probably responsible for a bunch of other shit that effects threads I actually like.


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based spyposter


white spy is based

Where is the joke?

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gay or not I'd love someone anyone to cuddle me like that

a tranny thinking they pass

Thank you for reminding me of this, the only reason I bought MAD magazines as a kid.

Yes. He hates it so much because they watched it during special ed classes.

I know it's a porn comic but even this ones premise felt nutty to me. Yeah we just all fuck at the office lol. She's got an ok amount of thickness so it's all good to me.

why do men want to fuck horses?

Wrong, you trolled those people because back then, they were the no-fun allowed, easily offended basic bitch niggas.

referring to barneyfag here


also is there even a joke here

Commies don't like when he makes fun of them.

Aww man, user, don't give up, you'll find someone.

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They hate him because he tells the truth

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still dont get it.

horse pussy sucks like you wouldn't believe cause more blood pressure than humans
I wouldn't know tho....

She slits his throat while shaving him in the end.

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I mean I'd rather be saved by Captain Spider-America than Steve the Gimp.

Same reasons as dragons, aliens, furries, robots, monsters etc

I know this is bait but everything was always for the lulz

>They hate him because he tells the truth
Just like Destiny

Pretty cringe, bro. Gonna have to ask you to leave.

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Gimme a hug man

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Wow, a real oldfag from 2015

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t.commie midget

you are based
because the animal is on the outside

I thought she actually didn't to this guy because he wasn't a shitbag?


>tranny thinking people hate them because they have penis and not because they are ugly as fuck and look like fucked up dudes
If all trannies passed no one would care about them


i wonder if there's anyone who ACTUALLY believes this tho

>this is worse
>i don't understand it though

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No more hugs, will

The game?

>Why doesn't the world work like anime where traps are automatically hot

It has a message, not a joke.

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Then post an actually funny one

She's a hot mommy lamb but
>serial killer
Even though she doesn't kill the horse it just puts me off.

>He doesn't know

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kinda wholesome

Centaur daughters

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That was her abusive ex husband not this guy. She's still crazy tho.


fact is if you pass and are hot then you get 95% of the same social privileges as a normal hot femoid

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except that isn't what I said you dumb stupid idiot retard

>But user, the libs got triggered, it's comedy gold automatically

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friendly reminder
lurk moar newfags desu

>Trump will never be re-elected.

Are you mentally ill? Oh wait ...

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>"They hated him, because he told the truth."

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Faster. Now.

I haven;t seen him for a while, I'm worried he got the 'rona.

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>awards gold
thank you for pointing out what needed to be pointed out

He doesn't show up if he didn't start the thread.

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He actually is funny from time to time, I just don't get why most of his right wing comics always have to be

based hladilnik poster
post giant kiwi murdering lesbians pls

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Reminder that cancel culture is so strong that one angry twat thought the term "derp" was a demeaning term used to put down retarded people so they campaigned and got the cross eyed horse removed from the show. It took everyone bitching, especially actual mentally handicapped people, for them to put her back. She wasn't even retarded just a klutz. I am amazed at how I am constantly surprised at how stupid the world is.

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Where is the joke? Aside from John Romero being one.

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where is he?

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keep going ...