What’s the point of building a PC any more?
What’s the point of building a PC any more?
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>pc master ra-
i dont know, especially when you can just buy a superior laptop
Because it's fun and you're more in control of what parts you want to use.
to play PC game, duh
I find it fun but that's just me.
I'm increasingly thinking gaming laptops are a better investment (especially if they come with a VESA Adaptive Sync screen).
Lots of games that would never get past an ethics board.
Retiring my old PC I built in 2012 which was already kind of lame back then
You get all of the third party games, all Xbox Exclusive games, Sony is now releasing a lot of Playstation Exclusives and they are selling way better on PC than on PS4 so you can bet your ass that they will continue that trend, you get a ton of emulators where you can play pretty much everything upscaled on 4k (Wii U, Wii, and Gamecube games look great like this, Switch emulator is getting really good too). I don't know, why wouldn't you build a PC? You get absolutely everything worth playing in one single device that does everything just better and it will last you longer.
my wife and i share the same PC and i need to build another for her
Should I advise my friend who's upgrading from a potato to his first custom build to run with AMD or Intel?
All my knowledge between the two is outdated and jewgle searching only reveals shills for either side.
you need a computer for other shit? Playing games is just an added bonus
I do more than just play video games.
ah yes, the almighty PC that runs anything and costs a fixed MSRP just like any console.
wait, what are specs?
Same point as cooking your food, you know what's in it and it's a fun, gratifying process, and the end product meets your exact requirements.
Just as usual having the best platform?
Free online, freedom to choose the parts you want and upgrade when you want, freedom to play the games at the specs you want, and you get the productivity of a desktop environment. Even a laptop is a better investment than a console.
which one lol ?
Either is fine, there aren't any outright bad CPUs on the market today, just bad prices, just get the best chip that your budget allows.
It really isn't all that expensive you know, PS4 and Xbox One games don't need a PC with better specs than a PS4 or Xbox One and they aren't more expensive than getting one of those consoles, buying a PC on par with any of those will get you playing everything just fine and emulating at 4k. Same deal if you get a PC on par with a PS5 or Xbox Series X. They just restrict you to playing their games.
>grows beard
>fixes entire face
i need my PC for work and having good specs is an advantage in that regard.
Also the ability to partially upgrade if needed to.
Switched from 16 GB to 32 instead of having to buy a completely new machine.
Plannin on swapping my graphics card next year depending on what comes out.
Other than that, i like to play with good graphics and high framerate.
Just a huge difference compared to a console.
Also my 1 TB SSD is helpful because i always load my evergreens and current favorites on it, which basically eliminates loading time.
Expandable storage, although a NAS would probably be enough in that regard.
It's a lot quieter with premium cooling fans and heatsinks, which is nice.
The many games which are exclusive to PC and who have alive communities on there.
Discord in general while playing is different on PC because you constantly interact with others instead of checking your phone.
And last but not least, online features are far better.
Download speed on Steam is basically twice as fast as my PS4.
MMOs are only really a thing on PC.
And Ping is much lower on PC.
If you are poor, PC building is not sensible, you will have to live with your failure as a human being and jsut get a 150 craigslist special on a PS4 filled with god-knows-what kind of (literal) bugs.
But with a normal income (i make less than that) a 2500+ PC build makes sense if gaming is your biggest hobby. People pay 3 times that much just for a one week family vacation, so i don't really have a problem with splurging on my favorite pasttime.
take your pick
>You get all of the third party games
>You get absolutely everything worth playing in one single device that does everything just better
That's completely untrue though
>plenty of games that I like on Vita are still only on the handheld (which has yet to have an actual emulator on PC)
>not to mention questionable or straight up garbage PC ports of console games
>emulation isnt flawless either (PPSSPP has issues with certain games like Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 or RPCS3 is still in experimental stage for instance)
I do agree PC will technically last longer than a specific console hardware but still
Free games, nigga.
Do the children on this board really see PCs as just another gaming console?
Uh huh, but does it have Bloodborne?
PCs take up extremely small amount of electricity. Are you sure you're not retarded
a series X is literally the price of the GPU+CPU I need for a PC that would play the same games, tho
and no, I'm not gonna settle for "playing all Series X and PS5 games" at low settings. If I'm supposed to replace one for the other, I expect it to run just as good if not better. PC is shilled as the superior rig, so it should provide that then
souls fag
Well, you aren't going to be able to play any PSVita or PS3 game on a PS4/XOne or PS5/XSX so there's that.
>buying PC to play playstation game
while there's significant chance you're just pretending to be retarded, on Zig Forums you can never be sure...
You get to play most modern games, and any old or retro games you want to for free via emulation.
they see a handful games with anime tits and automatically assume the whole playstation library is on Steam
>plenty of games
To spend way more money for more fps after you troubleshoot all the inevitable problems that you'll have only to feel "superior"
Wait for the next-gen of CPUs and GPUs that are going to release later this year, you are comparing prices future consoles with 3-year-old GPUs and CPUs, that's an unfair comparison, you should compare prices to PC parts that are going to release at the same time that PS5 and XSX will. I'm sure that in 1-2 years a PC on par with XSX will have the same or better cost, PC parts get cheaper and more efficient every single month and release that they make and a Consoles do not.
Many reasons
It is enjoyable to do so
Much more freedom/flexibility in what you want in your rig
If something goes wrong, you are most likely more willing to fix it yourself as you put it together
Consoles run games at low settings or even lower than that most of the time
Depends on what you have in one and how much of that power you are using during your use of it
>more poweful than console (don't fall for SSD meme, it will only be used for PS5 exclusives aka movie games, every other multiplat will have to be able to run on higher RAM/weaker drive machines)
>can also do work on PC, browse internet etc.
>do not have to pay for using your own internet with online games
>can emulate older games unplayable on new consoles, basically archiving old titles
>insane modding potential for games, tons of fan patches/fixes for buggy/unfinished titles
It literally is the best platform. Only advantage consoles have is convenience and maybe some exclusives but i doubt PS5 will get any good ones.
I sure hope so user, I'm almost getting a XSX because these builds are underperforming, but I'd love to be proven wrong until then and jump ship
on my machine werks
because you've been able to play games with "next gen" graphics for years and without being stuck at 30FPS
None, i don't want to play anything anymore. None of the upcoming games seem interesting.
PC owners have mid-to-low specs or even lower than that most of the time
not everyone has those builds Pewdiepie and Twitch thots use
>being a hypefag
play older games moron
>able to switch to pirating if you economy collapses
>use controllers from all consoles
There is quite the disparity between claiming that "you get a lot of things from consoles in one device" versus "you get absolutely everything from consoles in one device" when describing the PC platform.
The Vita still had far many games than the PS4 library that suited my personal tastes during the past decade.
Everysince Sony released their first party games on PC and third party companies this board has been on a meltdown lmao.
Well I do play my games on very high settings so I don't care what others do with their 10-year-old PCs, and it didn't cost me all that much, just don't buy a Laptop and you're good
$499 console tax + $599 4k tv tax to play $60 souls clone at sub 30 fps with a $60 year online subscription to access your own internet
I wasn’t aware consoles and TVs didn’t take electricity
>another video of him showing putting a cpu, a cooler, ram, a gpu on a motherboard
>screwing it in a case
>attaching a storage device and power supply wires
>installing windows
what's the draw? the process hasn't changed in the last 15 years.