Phantasy Star Online 2

What killed the hype?

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That it came out half a decade ago?

nobody streams PSO2 because all it takes is one porn symbol chat to flash on your screen in the lobby to get banned on stream sites.

Terrible launch. Only launched on the Microsoft Store.
I liked it well enough, but the way it's monetized was just enough to annoy me so I stopped playing. It's not even that bad, but the things they chose to monetize felt very restricting to me, specifically.

Bad management, disastrous launch and extra jewish monetization

Everyone who ever wanted play it already did and those who still play still are. Shit’s like a decade old.

>What killed the hype?
The game being shit


this. anyone who really wanted to play it did/does on the jp version

>took 10 years to release outside japan
>launch even worse than a fucking world of warcraft expansion

The gamepass exploit destroyed the NA server economy and Sega never did a rollback or banwave for it.

>waiting 8 years to localize it
>game is a glorified mobile game RIFE with cash shop nonsense
>dozens of currencies
>more than 1 premium currency
>gook class and zones completely kill the aesthetic vibe that the series is known for
>power creep
>hideously over the top outfits due to too many retards not knowing how to make good looking characters
the game was fun and cool when it was a new, novel experience. 8 years later, it needs to die.

I still haven't played it because of microsoft store.

people finally got to play it and realized it was a dog shit game

>he thinks anyone got to play it

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Me and my friends can't even play the game anymore because it straight up just doesn't work.

what year did this come out like 2010?

This. Also the game is P2W as fuck. You can sell cash shop items for in-game money then use that money to purchase best in slot gear and affixes.

I had to reinstall it 5 times and it uninstalled itself twice

lol what a faggot.

2012 in JP

Idk. I used to love it on JP but something happened and I can't play gook upgrade autism games without feeling like I'm being scammed

there's no reason to kill or do 99% of things and the upgrade system is arbitrary and wastes your time in the most banal way

>game is a glorified mobile game RIFE with cash shop nonsense
This is really all that needs to be said. PSO3 is most likely going to be straight up gacha for phones only.

>Got in 1 week after release
>Worked perfectly from Windows store
>Until one patch fucked it up and had to redownload
>Fuck it, install Tweaker this time
>More than a month later still playing perfectly fine on EN servers

Your problem is that you arent playing CAST. Thats all.

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Its a pain in the ass to install from Windows Store, and thats assuming it doesnt break on you after a while.

The fact that barley anyone can fucking play it even though its a game from 2012.
Put this shit on steam already.

the shitty microsoft store integration, the shitty way they are handliong releases and any kind of support, something

The fact that it's been released in Japan for several years. Nobody who's already been playing it wants to redo their whole character from the start.
The fact Microsoft was chosen as the front for eastern release, but restricted to their US storefront.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.07.04 - (1920x1080, 3.61M)

These honestly kill my drive to grind. What's the point of working hard to obtain stuff when someone next to you just bought their way into it?

how they fuck do they even make graphics that detailed? The editor only has basic shapes and is terrible

third party tool

Harukotan is a fucking great additional you swine, wait until you see episode 4 garbage you'll think Harukotan is the best addition ever in comparison.

still waiting for the steam release

PSO2 is already a phone gacha game.

Attached: PSO2ES.jpg (693x421, 312.41K)

Anyone that plays or wants to play it is seriously braindead and enjoys getting buttfucked by Sega.

It's really not that good. Super P2W, but honestly that's not even the worst part. The game has no direction and it's super bloated. Doesn't help that there's no one to play with outside of max levels. Also, all the levels and maps are short and shit.

It hurts me to say this, but PSU was miles better even though PSU was utter garbage.

Windows App Store making the game unplayable and in many cases effectively turning the game into malware until the Ark-Layer devs stepped in and fixed Sega's fucked up shit by which point it was already too late.

>What killed the hype?

Attached: Dust.jpg (1920x1080, 560.76K)

you can turn off symbols

good luck trying to do that with this garbage UI.

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