Hey Zig Forums, did Mojang have an info leak or something? I logged in and all my server-names where changed. The email connected to the account is heavily secured. All my passwords have been changed and I scaned my computer for malware with no results. What happened?
Mojang Leak?
Imagine playing as an adult male and being upset about your account
I'm not upset, I know it's fine, I'm just really confused.
You're playing a children's game
I didn't come here to get demeaned, I came to ask if there was an info leak.
You definitely sound upset
So yes, you ARE upset and also a complete and utter faggot, who would’ve guessed
you niggas really could have done anything to answer his question here, but you chose to be fags
Thanks. I guess some people realize this isn't Zig Forums.
Same pathetic faggot, christ you’re embarrassing
>Do I fit in yet guise
What? Why would I make and reply to my own post?
Who cares, Minecraft is reddit
Bruh what, I play minecraft but no I don't really use reddit.
It's the official youtube lets player bait game for 12 year olds what the fuck are you doing, go away
>"b-b-but muh epic fat fedoraman used to spam threads on 4channel Zig Forums which were shunned even back then, its muh ebig 4channel culture"
fuck off
> Zig Forums suddenly hates minecraft
Lmao what
its just a few retard contrarians in this thread. OP must've posted at the wrong time.
t. newfag
Minecraft has been always been the staplemark of Zig Forums, yeah, it's been infested with redditors, and the combat is now ass, but it used to be our ass.
> I don't like *thing* because person I don't like likes thing
Maybe you should stop fucking breathing then since person you don't like probably does that too.
Or if that's too difficult you could just stop talking. I bet person you don't like does that as well lmao.
roblox > minecraft
>newfags pretending that disliking minecraft is the norm
Maybe you should go back to lurking for a few years so you don't look like a complete fuckwit you like are right now.
been here since the 2016 election, dumb normie
>being here for four years makes you new
i'm a meme war veteran
Because you’re clearly autistic
Please refrain from ableist language.
Try when notch stabbed Zig Forums in the heart and took his business to reddit
What you are is retarded, now fuck off newfag.
Notch is still /ourguy/, the Easter Egg he left for Zig Forums is still in current Minecraft, the one where you can put down some stone slabs and if you drag a black villager over the slabs your character will curb stomp them on it.
>buildy blocks """"game"""""
lol grow up fag
malding normie
No he's not our guy, he's a bitter obese faggot who burned all his bridges and became an attention whore.
Please refrain from being a fucking autist.
If he isn't /ourguy/ then why did he leave that curb stomping easter egg in.
Pic related is the easter egg in action.
God you can just smell the FPS’ from here, y’all never learned how to play other games?
>twitch buzzwords
Thanks for confirming that you're projecting.
Sorry these morons can't answer a simple question. I haven't heard anything about a leak, but I can't say one hasn't happened either. Just be sure you're not reusing passwords since an unrelated leak can compromise your other accounts if they use it.
Based, upbooted, leddit karma given, dae love this post?
>no argument
I'd be concerned if any account of mine got compromised because I would want to know what happened and if it's something I would need to fix or if it's on them.
WeirdChamp I don't associate with simps.
You’re literally just proving his point you dumb fucking newfag
I'm so sorry genuine advice upsets you
Im so sorry being an utter faggot is second nature to you
Whatever you say normie.
Pretty sure the passwords are in really insecure locations. Every now and then whenever I boot up minecraft I have to pw recovery because some 12 year old bought my acct from some faggot. It's hilarious seeing the pw reset requests come flooding in afterwards.
Fuck off back to Zig Forums, then. Stop shitting up Zig Forums, you retarded newfag burger.
This is without a doubt the worst thread on Zig Forums right now
>everybody I disagree with is Zig Forums
rent free
I still don't see what I did wrong
If they can't store passwords correctly, your best bet is to use a unique password so that when it inevitably gets leaked again, you can change it. I recommend a password manager to handle it