He's right you know

He's right you know

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He looks what you would get if you mixed DSP and Angry Joe together

This fat sack of pandering shit is the reason I unsubbed from the escapist. ZP still on point though.

>thinking I'm gonna bother listening to a movieslob video
And that's where you went wrong!

Is this the cinema robert thread?

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is he larping?

I'm glad Herr Robert supports the reconquering of rightful Prussian clay.

Oh I wish

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Does he even kiss up the sjws these days? Seems like a full blown fascist these days.

I find it ironic that he thinks his genes would be considered worthy of passing along if eugenics was practiced.

oh nonononononono

Bob is what you get if you take the mind of an megalomaniacal comic book villain and put him in the body of a fat middle-aged American


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Oh he still frequently retweets and replies to people like Lindsay Ellis and Brianna wu, infact I think Lindsay actually disavowed him a while back

I think that's the reason why he's in favor of it, so future generations won't have to suffer what he has to go through.

He's genuinely that stupid. He makes Andrew Dobson look like a well adjusted intellectual in comparison

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it's honestly impressive how he can be even more pathetic than dobson.

Cant blame her. Shit just that tweet alone makes it clear that this guy being on your side is a bad thing. He really just sits alone tweeting this insane rhetoric doesn't he? I wonder if hes written up his version of mein kampf

I always confuse him with Dobson, really says something about him uh

And they both inexplicably hate Metroid Prime

Don't forget eating, he does a ton of that. He's visibly gained massive amounts of weight in the past few months

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I dunno, that sounds too empathetic for movie blob. He really does seem to think of himself as superior to everyone due to his self proclaimed genius intellect.

>Bob Chipman

I'm not gonna click on that. Make me a summary or something. This fucking guy made me sick already.

She's the one that aborted her baby to make a documentary, right?

Anyone have the segment from his book where he had an existential crisis because Yoshi's island 2 revealed Mario wasn't from brooklyn

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Didn't he just call for a German invasion of Poland?

I don't think it's quite like that, but yes, she made a documentary about her experience getting an abortion.

Lindsay makes thougful, well-paced videos about movies. Chipman just talk fast with a lot a words, repeating points over and over, and it feels like the only cinema he watchs is Disney-approved. He's trash and he has a victim complex while being a passive aggressive bully to everyone.

>Invade Poland
>Once we're on the Good* team
Based Zig Forumsack

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Fucking hell, I want to write a paper on this specimen. Discussing the dangers of social media being a feedback loop for people suffering from personality disorders.

Well that's much more reasonable

Um, BASED???

Someone post the chart comparing his quotes to Hitler and Stalin