Cultural phenomenon
Cultural phenomenon
Is Hiro ever going to purge the jannies?
They're all jannies to me, don't give a fuck about what title they give themselves.
Are ABIB threads Cultural Phenomena?
Seethe harder you autistic weeb
But lobcorb and lor aren't phone games
Thanks Sakurai for ruining videogames
>games that fill the catalog with multiple threads at a time are too big to go to /vg/
Someone remind me why /vg/ even fucking exists.
Selective enforcement of the rules, off topic posting and shitposting is ok as long as they like the topic.
Containment. Threads go to die to /vg/ for a simple reason: no one browses /vg/ casually so they don't get exposure to new games there.
/vg/ threads fucking suck, it truly is a containment board. Every thread is a circlejerk full of tripfags, the same reposted bait (for 7+ years in the case of /gsg/), and in general barely anybody talking about the fucking game itself.
/vg/ should be purely for multiplayer online games, and used as a way to set up groups, trading, and discussing strategies. People who whine about sending FOTM threads to /vg/ are thin-dicked little pricks. Don't hate the mods though, being a mod on the internet simply turns you into a smug faggot with an ego proportional to your anus 99% of the time, no matter how good your intentions were. This is why it's important to let the old mods go and bring fresh blood in periodically. That way ex-mods can slowly be purged of this faggotry while the new mods are not yet as corrupt.
Containment. If you do enough threads about a niche game, tripfags infest because it becomes a "community".
Smash and FF14 are different because the playerbases are huge so there's always a bunch of different people in a thread.
Tbf, the Lobotomy Corp threads were made regularly with the same format, and would not have been out of place on /vg/.
Sounds exactly like Smash threads to me.
2chan literally warned everyone about how much of a fucking piece of shit he is. No one listened. He isn't going to do anything, just shit up the site more and more for that ad money.
I disagree. I think there's value in /vg/ as not only a containment board but a place to go for when you have questions about a specific game as the people in a general are more likely to answer and be knowledgeable about said question. I also think games that are new warrant a bunch of threads, but Lobotomy Corp is 2 years old.
/vg/ and even Zig Forums sometimes are good for LFGs.
Like what ? Fortnite is the biggest cultural phenomena when it comes to video gaming and subhumans like Abib are on suicide watch when some fortnite thread hits the catalog.
To be the gacha containment board until Hiro starts a separate board for that shit.
t: /civ4xg/
So wait is ABIB the head of the mods or what? WHy haven't other mods try to do something?
He's not, but he's pretty close.
PM games had one thread every day or two until just a couple days ago. The only reason why they got more threads is because the mods got ass blasted about us hsving them and started deleting them all.
Then why haven't anyone try to do something then? Maybe even contact Hiro to remove ABIB or something?
I sure hope so, he makes faggots seethe like no other mod
Zig Forums - Nintendogaf
He's old mod, I guess he holds more "power" than others.
This remind me why did moot even hire ABIB in the first place? Didn't he hate anime though since Zig Forums is a anime website
As much as everyone looks back fondly at moot, he was a colossal faggot. He nearly destroyed Zig Forums.
Well, does he get paid? I thought so.
Because of LoL and SC2 filling the front page, with a wee bit of Katawa Shoujo at the end, that's it.
Singleplayer games go there to die unless it's waifufaggotry (see, KS, DDLC, and more recently Helltaker) and Multiplayer games will get invaded by avatarfags (see, every fucking MMO except TESO because TESO females are ugly and you are better off going to /tesg/ for waifus)
Gacha generals being stupidly fast also make slower generals (like a /pmg/ would be outside fridays) have that much of a harder time surviving.
From experience, purging generals from Zig Forums fucked up Zig Forums AND /jp/, and Zig Forums still has generals, but for shonenshit instead of Zig Forums culture.
FFXIV is on the same situation as LoR, only their general is so utterly cancerous we have no other alternative but to make threads on Zig Forums if they wanna discuss the game and not circlejerk with the same generic catgirls.
his salary is x2 the salary of a regular janny