Just finished Metal Gear Rising, pretty good fucking game. But what the fuck was Armstrong's actual plan? I get his thesis on individualism but how does a false flag in pakistan lead to his dream of individuals having more power than the collective.
Just finished Metal Gear Rising, pretty good fucking game. But what the fuck was Armstrong's actual plan...
I don't know but I'd vote for him!
Yeah same, even if I can't understand what the fuck his plan is.
hes also perfect for reaction images
Fuck it, no one is responding. Post armstrong memes.
his bros are introduced as liking war for the sake of profit, but then you learn they also like war for the sake of thrill (and raiden might too), but then armstrong wants war for the sake of destroying institutions, leaving anarchy, which he likes
sure thing. also my best guess as to his plan was to kick america into wanting a war, which was his campaign plan so he'd get the voters to become president. how hed then dismantle it though i couldnt tell you.
might makes right and the overall breaking down of institutional power in favor of the individual. basically darwinist anarchy.
Kill terrorists. Win elections because you saved the 'murca from terrorism. Use presidental powers to actualize your dream society.
He Literally said he was starting a war to get elected, So he end could it as business.
It feels like there's a step missing from point A and B. Fucker makes a good point though. Seems to me like the his thesis is supposed to be the counter to what the metal gear solid games warned about the tyranny of the collective. This is more of a warning against the tyranny of the individual.
yeah they didnt exactly make the plan from A to B clear but there was probably one that we didnt get to see, but im not sure how he could do it unless he had the other branches under his thumb as well
as far as the literal plot with the geopolitics trivia word salad, who the fuck cares lol
Yeah but how would he do that? With the assassination of the american president, the destabilization of pakistan would increase the demand for PMCs by several orders of magnitude. How would he then destroy PMCs and war as a business once it clearly gets past the boiling point?
at this point its really just a chock it up to your own headcanon how hed do it since we'll never know. whats the angriest ___% image youve got? Pic related for me.
>But what the fuck was Armstrong's actual plan?
that's the point. He didn't have one. He's satire
Mine caps out at 1200
Abbystrong posting was a godsend
There would be no need for government or law anymore. It’d be the wild west again. You control your own territory and fight your own wars. Basically he’s banking on the human need to survive to solve the worlds problems.
why did dolzaev (the guy who loves mistral) blow himself up, surely someone listened to the codecs
it really was
>But what the fuck was Armstrong's actual plan?
To tear down the entire system.
including gmod made it even better
A new golden age of armstrong posting.
Well now that actually makes sense somewhat. Kinda reminds me of skullface's give everyone nukes idea.
heres the entire webm just for you
Man I really need to install the sound webm shit. Maybe I'll go do that now.
His campaign run on retaliation allows him to become President and use that power to dissolve political systems until the country is weak enough to just say "It's Anarchy" time.
Nigger didn't you hear a word he said? He's using war as a business to end war as a business.
Hype up the need for a war to jumpstart the economy
make war happen
get votes for support and rhetoric towards war
get elected
go for it, catbox is down right now so sadly the sound doesnt work currently like i thought it would. thats the big issue compared to when it was embedded into the file, if that sites fucked then the whole operation is fucked
Sundowner should be high tier. Honest warmonger lashing out against the system
I wish Armstrong was real and that he was my dad
Except the false flag attack was supposed to be carried out by Desperado, a PMC, so he could rally public sentiment against PMCs to make them illegal
Metal gear rising was awful story wise and wasn’t funny .
Armstrong 2024
Sam legitimately enjoyed killing people and used his vendetta against drug cartels and organized crime as an excuse to indulge in violence though, there was nothing reluctant about it
Me too user. Me too.
>What was Armstrong's plan
Use the power of memes to control the narrative and then convince people that anarchy is the best kind of liberty
He wants to hard-reset America with himself at the helm. Note that it's a juiced-up demigod with strength that can level buildings talking to you about the strong thriving and the weak dying off. He is completely lying out his asshole about his intentions, he's a power-mad politician.
Hell, note his fighting style; he's extremely clumsy in his actual movements, both because he's so strong he doesn't actually have to be dexterous beyond blocking blows (if he hits they're toast), and because he's never actually seen combat until around the time he got his nano-enhancements. He's just a LARPer at being a built-from-nothing survivor and it's explicitly noted (and part of his argument) that Raiden is a living example of his ideology.
joining forces with armstrong was reluctant. he only joined him because he lost.
Recently started the game. Do I need to bother with upgrading and buying customization stuff or is base Raiden good enough to beat the game?
>Invests in World Marshall
>Kill president in Pakistan/Raiden kills American troops
>Sparks international incident
>New war on terror
>Demand for PMCs skyrocket like the good ol days after 9/11
>Armstrong makes bank
>Funds massive presidential campaign
>Libertarian paradise
Sam very much enjoyed killing people but he was also being a lone-wolf hero. Monsoon shits on him for killing off drug cartels and disseminating gangs because those weren't doing anything to combat the larger problem, of which the cartels and gangs were just symptoms. The raid on Desperado's headquarters was in itself striking at the heart of the issue, and Sam would've come out on top of that if Armstrong wasn't basically a cheater.
And also a second question.
Can I parry literally anything? Including giant metal spiked tank beasts?
You ARE voting for him this election right, user? It's his year after all.
I think armstrong's endgame was to get the people to support bill that would enable him to privatize a state military, he would then use it to deal with the terrorist problem, thereby gaining enough support from the populace to become the president of the united states come election season. from there he would then abolish privatized military with his own privatized military being placed into the united states army.
from there a fascist state allowing strong-willed individuals empowerment over committee would be born. the internet would be destroyed, the flow of information would be controlled and the collective cultural narrative would be his to dictate allowing him to deceive the people into being so aggressively independent that they tear the united states apart, rebuilding into a meritocracy where might controls everything.
at least that's the impression i got from his speech.
his endgame and views were extremely crazy, but they were also very american in terms of "Individuals shrugging off the power of the masses to pursue their own dreams and ambitions." instead of collective freedom, it was freedom that had to be earned through strength.
If you want to challenge yourself sure, go base raiden. It’s possible. There are some really tough fights though toward the end of the game and you might want to customize.
Base Raiden is enough to beat the game but the upgrades are really helpful, most especially the "Defensive Offense" or whatever the dodge-attack was called. When you get the last sword at the very end of the game, don't upgrade it if you want Armstrong to stay difficult.
>Can I parry literally anything?
The only things you can't parry are projectiles like rockets, and grabs, which are signified by a yellow glow.