Fix Fallout 4 while changing as little as possible

Fix Fallout 4 while changing as little as possible.

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Change the story so that the player character was a synth the whole time and the prologue was just implanted memories.

silent protag
add more side quests

Remove settlements
Make faction outcomes more open-ended
Make protagonist silent
Re-add skills and skill checks

press the delete button so it doesn't exist

Silent protag would help a lot

shift+a delete

>no voiced mc
>no minute men
>institute’s motivation is changed to them replacing only key leaders in the wasteland with hyper intelligent synths so they can make humanity move forward
>The railroad is made up of only synths
>MC is a synth

I change two things
>the developer
>the publisher
what do i win

your biggest settlement gets attacked no matter how much defenses you have. More things attack it the more defenses you have though.

Change everything

change one bit in the exe so it crashes on launch

The name of the game and replacing any fallout references with new names

Add bad graphics, clunky gameplay and make the story about finding a water chip rather than your son.

Silent protag fixes a lot. I know people dislike the dialogue system but if you go back and play Skyrim, it has pretty limited dialogue too but didn't get the same criticism because who cares, your character effectively says whatever you want since he doesn't really talk.

I change one thing.
>rename the game to generic looter shooter 4
There, now it’s honest and doesn’t ruin the Fallout franchise

dialogue choices and no protag voice acting

Fire Emil Pagliarulo

If it got fixed we would have to complain about some other game. That's no good.

>Game starts with you creating your character inside the cryo tube, it malfunctions waking you up, and then you play the game.
>Delete Corn Flakes and all the shit about Father being your kid
Blank slate character beats established backstory in an RPG about making choices.

Skyrim, like other Bethesda games, worked because even if your options were limited, the options weren't "yes, yes, yes, kind of no but really yes."

>no voiced MC
>Minutemen more useful
>Institute motivation that goes beyond "uhh experiments lmao"
>MC a synth

Fallout 76 exists.

>as little as possible
fuck it, remove all story from it, focus all on villages building creating your own empire, basically make warband in fallout
the call it Fallout simcraft simulator

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>MC is a synth
>the non-synth MC is the leader of a new faction

I like voiced protagonist but the problem is how they used it, writing was terrible and every dialog was yes sarcastic yes and yes later
In DLCs writing is better somewhat

In skyrim you can say fuck off to the imperials and actually fight them AS A SIDE QUEST but info4 you cant do that to minuteman
Not to mention Skyrim's sidequests were pretty good, characters got a lot (well, a bit more than minimal to be honest but thats "a lot" for bethesda) interaction and development. You can go and do whatever you want in skyrim and join whatever factions you want. In FO4 you are mandatory to meet minutment then BOS then Railroad then Institute.
Silent protag wont change a thing, in fact if fo4's prtoag were silent it would only highlight how shitty bethesda dialog is.

that's actually really good

>why are you replacing people
>you know why, you've felt it yourself

You create your character from the Vault, the vault sends out citizens out to gather supplies, you can play 'Hero' mode (one character the entire time) or 'Extreme Survival' mode (permadeath) with a number of survivors (difficulty indicating how many chances you get.
Focus on the world and factions and how people are rebuilding so far away from the war instead of pretending its is 5 years after the war.

Fallout 4 is legit a good game with some mods installed. If we're talking about playing only vanilla FO4, then the absolutely best change you can do is get rid of the health-gain per level.

It is absolutely retarded to gain life as you level up. That is the single reason people don't play the game for a long time; enemies just become bullet sponges.

Pretend it didnt existed.

No sarcasm option.

>games starts as you wake up from cryo
>tutorial is you going through your abondoned creepy vault
>just get small amounts of info on you and the vaults tests from broken terminals
>completely remove minute men

Why the fuck do people have a problem with voiced main character?
Its really a nice touch, all it needed was more work just like everything Bethesda puts out

No pre-war main character.

The opening is the post-war player's town being attacked and ransacked by Institute Gen-2 Synths.

The Brotherhood don't outright hate the Institute at first, but are wary. They investigate the group, and then discover the Institute is meddling with FEV to create Gen-3 Synths. This is when they go full purge mode.

The Minutemen haven't completely crumbled and have various outposts. You help them and cannot become General. Their quests tie directly into the plot, instead of being passive side content.

Power armor requires training to use, fuel and parts are significantly rarer outside of the Brotherhood.

The T-60 was created by the Brotherhood. The design is a modernised T-45 using resources and technologies from the Enclave defeated at Adam's Air Force Base.

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Just avoid them. Beat the game second time and never even met the fuckers.

I have never met a person who had a problem with voice protagonist. Have you?

Reduce the amount of pipe weapons.
Get rid of legendary items dropping from legendary enemies. Instead, make legendary items with effects that make sense and then place them in hidden locations, just like F3 and NV.
Silent Protagonist, to try and fix the mess in the dialogue and the same 4 options.
Work on the companions' quests so that they fill up the emptyness in the map. Maybe you get to know more about the dude from the Railroad, maybe you fuck Curie, maybe you find the milk of human kindness. Some of those quests are already decent, but I think they could be extended.
Make the institute more interesting by actually giving them a reason to behave the way they do, asides from being superior beings who make robots. It could be cool to dig a bit deeper into the synth retrieval program, maybe even get our own consciousness into a synth and perform an infiltration mission for the institute.
Honestly, I don't think Bethesda is incapable of doing this, I just think that they had the wrong priorities.

If you wanna know what I'd change, you're gonna need to help this settlement first.

It's kind of implied in Far Harbor

It makes it harder for the retards to get immersed into the game.

>You wake up from cryosleep
>Your mind was uploaded into advanced sexbot
There, better. Most who play the game play it for lewd mods anyway.

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>Fix Fallout 4 while changing as little as possible.
Nice try, Todd.

It removes character creation. Every person sounds the same. You try to make a chinese looking guy but he sounds like a white guy when he opens his mouth.

blank state protagonist
factions don't suck your dick immediately
NPC talk like normal people, and not like Netflix housewives

Am i the only one who thinks the voiced protagonist was okay? the real issue was the few options, not the fact he talks.

because it's lazy and they did a shit job on it?
>my character no matter what race or size sounds the same as every character I will ever make
this seems like a good idea.

they didn't call it "Fallout: Nate and Nora", they called it Fallout 4.

Take the franchise rights from the white slavers and give them to CD Projekt. There, fix'd.

you character is blind and cant move

Call it literally anything else
Make it sound like a spin-off so retards stop projecting their expectations on a perfectly good game

Oh also, the Institute's "attacks" on the surface turn out to be comical oversight. The Gen-2s were programmed to harvest materials and defend themselves against anybody who tries to stop them. This isn't fleshed out with adequate parameters, and the Gen-2s start is ransacking towns and killing the residents who work to protect their home. There was absolutely no ill will intended; it's a bunch of secluded scientists with great ideas, not thinking two steps ahead on what would be apparent problems to surface dwellers. This is hinted at in the vanilla game, but it's clear that intentional attacks against the surface have been conducted for more than accidental slaughters. Change it, so the Institute isn't malicious, just intelligent morons.

It's also made way more clear that Gen-3s that develop "free will" end up causing an equal amount of trouble as they do good. One quest that involves a Synth raider isn't good enough when every other Synth is a good boy who didn't do anything.

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I'm not against a voiced character. The problem is that a voiced character gives very little room for last minute changes to the story, since you already got the recordings a year ago. I know that you still need recordings from the other voice actors, but removing the main character makes it super easy to add new quests through modding.
Also, the voice acting, while good, was not properly done in terms of letting the player know the tone of the reply.

The lack of options is a direct result of the MC talking. It costs more money to create more options when you're paying two VAs to say them all.

integrate sim settlements into base game

>remove the pre-war bits, just start as a wastelander victimised by the institute or something
>silent protagonist, wayyy too much time and money was spent on the voice gimmick
>reduce the focus on the pre-war in general. Its called the "old world" for a reason. Move on.
>more established settlements, factions
>add named NPCs with personality who can join player made settlements
>increase focus on interactions and ideologies of different towns and groups and how they respond to issues of the world
>more legit locations. No more skyrim dungeon designs, make them real places
>more weapon variety and less retarded weapons. Bonus points for real weapons too.
>more armour variety also a bonus
>generally less focus in straight upgrades in gear
>less bullet sponges, make cover usable and important, improve AI, diversify enemy loot
Bare minimum to save it

Im this guy See this

>make an RPG franchise not an RPG anymore
You didn't fix shit. You made it worse.

Skyrim is a dungeon crawler from a line of dungeon crawlers.

Fallout is a classic CRPG from a line of dialogue and skill check heavy CRPGs. This is why Fallout having shit dialog and skill checks is a problem. Skyrim doesn't get that criticism because its not beholden to that standard in the first place. Its a dungeon crawler doing just fine as a dungeon crawler.