Is there any game set in England that doesn't suck complete ass?
Is there any game set in England that doesn't suck complete ass?
you work with what you've got
Total War Kingdoms : Britannia campaign
The first "world" of Level 9 Computing's game Lords of Time from 1983 is set in a lovely English location.
It's also just a pretty good text adventure game, I recommend it.
Not really any good places to set a game
-horrible cities full of wankers
-lovely villages full of wankers
-horrible villages full of wanker farmers
-delapidated seaside towns full of seagulls
-shitty fields full of wanker sheep and dickhead cows
Killing Floor Not the second
Forza Horizon 4
Zombi U
Cheggers Party Quiz
Tomb Raider 3
GTA London
Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
Golden Balls on DS
The Getaway
>Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
That's a wee bit hardcore for Zig Forums, user, c'mon be real.
Pokémon Sword and Shield
does Victoria II count
game featuring are Liam when?
Why isn't the part to the left and north not highlighted? It's all one country
As someone who lives in the norf, I really fucking want to secede from the shitholes that are London and the south. We should break up England and reform the old kingdoms.
If only Scotland had broke free
Because OP said England, not Great Britain.
They're part of the United Kingdom, which is a conglomerate of countries. England is its own country, as is Wales and Scotland.
I feel the same way about you norf apes. Fuck off upcountry scum
t. cornish
>ask question
>get answer
>hahaha, you got goofballed my friends!
Isn't bloodborne set in a fictional victorian english city?
>Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
Are you actually telling me someone made a videogame out of that terrible soap opera
Nah it's set in current day Birmingham
Scottish seppy here, agreed, but also fuck the SNP.