Is there any game set in England that doesn't suck complete ass?

Is there any game set in England that doesn't suck complete ass?

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you work with what you've got

Total War Kingdoms : Britannia campaign

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The first "world" of Level 9 Computing's game Lords of Time from 1983 is set in a lovely English location.

It's also just a pretty good text adventure game, I recommend it.

Not really any good places to set a game
-horrible cities full of wankers
-lovely villages full of wankers
-horrible villages full of wanker farmers
-delapidated seaside towns full of seagulls
-shitty fields full of wanker sheep and dickhead cows

Killing Floor Not the second

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Forza Horizon 4
Zombi U
Cheggers Party Quiz
Tomb Raider 3
GTA London
Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
Golden Balls on DS
The Getaway

>Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
That's a wee bit hardcore for Zig Forums, user, c'mon be real.


Pokémon Sword and Shield

does Victoria II count

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game featuring are Liam when?

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Why isn't the part to the left and north not highlighted? It's all one country

As someone who lives in the norf, I really fucking want to secede from the shitholes that are London and the south. We should break up England and reform the old kingdoms.

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If only Scotland had broke free

Because OP said England, not Great Britain.

They're part of the United Kingdom, which is a conglomerate of countries. England is its own country, as is Wales and Scotland.


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I feel the same way about you norf apes. Fuck off upcountry scum

t. cornish

>ask question
>get answer
>hahaha, you got goofballed my friends!

Isn't bloodborne set in a fictional victorian english city?

>Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot
Are you actually telling me someone made a videogame out of that terrible soap opera

Nah it's set in current day Birmingham

Scottish seppy here, agreed, but also fuck the SNP.