I dont get the appeal

I dont get the appeal

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it's free.

It's because you have to play it with friends.

Yea it sucks. Grind to win attachments. Bad TTK and buildings with a zillion floors. No skill involved. Just camp and whoever spots first wins.

>third world
>fun with friends
>it's cowadoody
It's not that hard to understand

It was fun at first but yeah, it's a campfest

I still like to play S&D with my bros

Ok? Did you really need to make a thread? Kill yourself

it's fun with friends meme

>Grind to win attachments
>he doesn't have multiplayer


Battle royales appeal to a lot of people because they need the advantage of random equipment. If everyone spawns with a loadout of their choice, they get wrecked by good players. if everyone spawns with nothing, they can get to weapons first sometimes which lets them win.

>he bought the game

The only retard here is you

>reddit spacing
>calling anyone a retard

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Loot RNG is literally nothing to spotter's advantage and ring collapse.

Casuals and garbo players love these games because every now and then stars will align and they just get fed kills thanks to being in the right place in the right time.

>reddit invented pressing enter twice

Ask me how I know you are a 2016 election newfag

>game runs fine on release but patches worsen the performance

Attached: [LostYears] Fire Force - S01E06 (WEB 1080p Hi10P AAC) [50BDD170].mkv_snapshot_23.08.562.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Updates are absolutely ridiculous in frequency and size. I stopped playing because every time there's a 30GB update to download with no visible ingame change

I'm a 2010 newfag, but keep projecting chapocel

>he doesn't put a space between green and plain text

Confirmed for not being here before 2016

Your a gay fucking faggot

I'm a lesbian

its dumb simple but polished and has enough depth to feel like replaying. Also the gulag was the best thing to come out of cod in the last year (though thats not really much of a statement)

What's there not to get? It's worth alone for the adrenaline rush you get when trying to win a game when you are one of the few players left. I'd play more if it didn't take so much fucking space on my SSD.

>free to play
>a fuckton of customization on guns, attachments are very easy/quick to unlock
>it's almost impossible to be truly "out" of the game with how much money you get, gulag second chance, and the ability to buy your squadmembers in. This makes playing with friends much more fun since even if you die, you can still be bought back.
>tight gunplay, bullets go where you aim and there's almost no recoil for most guns
>loadout drop is a decent enough implementation of classic cawadooty ideas like loadouts

Honestly the buying allies back in comboed with the gulag makes the game a lot more enjoyable since even if you fuck-up, your team can bring you back in. Definitely not nearly as fun if you're playing solo though.

Does anyone here like Plunder?

f2p br that isnt fortnite

Hell yeah, it's fun. You just spawn with your loadout and get to wreck shit.
Good ol' tug of war for objectives (drops/missions) and hunting down targerts.

Too bad upgrading your loadout is horrendously slow unless you have free multiplayer weekends or you play the shitty rumble mode where its just fucking snipers

It takes up a ridiculous amount of hard drive space but it's the only game I can crossplay with my normie pals. The party chat is absolute dogshit though and you cut out half the time you speak.

Play plunder

It's because you're a fucking faggot