Did TLOU2 beat Kakyuusei 2?

Did TLOU2 beat Kakyuusei 2?

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Can I get a rundown on this

Followup to popular dating sim
You get NTR'd

Was it advertised as a ntr game?

You don't get NTR'd, one of the Heroines was in a relationship already and people were pissed she wasn't pure. That's it.

It's not quite that. It's supposed to be a pure love VN but the main heroine is already dating another guy. You steal her away from him but she still acts like a slut and doesn't stop bringing him up.

No. The fact that she's used goods was kept a secret. This damaged the companies image and they ended up making nothing but NTR games until they went bankrupt.

>This damaged the companies image and they ended up making nothing but NTR games until they went bankrupt
holy fuck

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Honestly sounds like they just wanted to try something different with the genre and were just exploring the concept of dating someone who's was in a previous relationship before, and that's obviously way more common in a IRL situation.

>This damaged the companies image and they ended up making nothing but NTR games until they went bankrupt.

Lmao now you gotta give us a rundown on this.

Game that was marketed as a pure love dating sim has the main heroine already taken by a rich medical student.
On the overworld in the game she's always near the lovehotel implying that she always meets you after getting banged by her boyfriend.
Even manage to seduce her away from her bf, she still mentions him.
Company got destroyed, released a few NTR games for the people who actually enjoyed getting surprise NTR'd and then died.
Pic-related is one of the first CGs you see, it's her and her boyfriend.
It's been nearly a decade since I've checked the game out so I may be wrong on a couple of details.

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>Lmao now you gotta give us a rundown on this
He's actually just incorrect, they released one more game then folded because nobody bought it due to kakyuusei 2

Can't you just pick another girl and ignore the whore.

No, because TLOU2 still made a bunch of money and people are probably gonna throw more cash at the next Naughty Dog game.

The game in OP was the beginning of the end for one of the biggest VN companies.

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Must have had razor thin profit margins if the company went under after a single bad release.

Also what was the studio that made it? Game is so obscure I can't even find it from googling it.

TLoU2 only sold because people pre-ordered it without knowing what it was goping to be like.
No one's going to buy Naughty Dog's next game.
This is the common pattern in both games and movies: sequels pay for the sins of the prequel.

My understanding is kakyuusei 2 had no legs once word of mouth got out on the heroine

>can't use vndb
the absolute state of this board

Depends on what they go for next. Doubt that its gonna be tLOU3 and Uncharted is already done so I could see them getting all the money again if they come up with a flashy enough looking IP next time.

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What was the company that made the game?

You can't mean it's THIS game? vndb.org/v1083

>You play as a high school student during his last year of High school and has nine girls to pick to have a romantic relationship with.

WHAT THE FUCK? If there's NINE girls to date why the fuck would people sperg over the one girl? This story keeps getting more and more complicated. If anything it makes sense to have a girl that appeals to NTR fags if there's EIGHT others to chose from.

so this is some dude self inserting either himself or his fetish right?

Most doujin VN circles/companies live game-to-game, with very little left over after production and relying on the release to pay for the next game they make.

There are exceptions of course with larger teams or ones where the devs all have other work and do it as a side-gig, but when you're a studio who measures sales in the thousands and usually have to cover wages for several employees there's not a lot left over even if you all work from home and live on cup ramen

TLOU is a lost cause, but they could bounce back with a new IP and either removing Druckmann or at least not letting him plaster his face all over the production of the product.

Studio's name is on the disc in OPs pic dumbass

The 'tismos were right to be mad desu

Is this the same one where she eats the cabbage

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I don't see it

The girl who had a bf was the "face" of the game before release, like she wasn't the central canon choice or anything but she's the first you meet and had art of her out on advertising stuff on their site.

But also otaku are just hyper autistic and the group had a reputation for vanilla recently and had advertised the game as such so it was taken as a severe betrayal and really fucking triggered a lot of the autists that made up their consumer base, and bad word of mouth spread due to it.


They are the most important VN development studio of all time.

Makes sense, only so many people you can sell your game to on DL site, wish all these doujin studios would jump ship to Steam, they would literally get sales in the 10's of thousands, maybe more with some of the quality of these doujin game's I've seen. Thankfully a lot are already.

Ahh alright, that clears everything up, thanks user.

Dont see a problem with this. Many VNs have multiple routes where the love interest is a widow etc. Its not ntr unless shes dating you then fucks other people.

>If there's NINE girls to date why the fuck would people sperg over the one girl?

Japanese Otaku are fucked in the head user. They're more than happy to give away every cent to a product that appeals to them but only if the creator/idol/product adheres to very strict rules. Break one and another cent will never be spent from them and someone might get stabbed.

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Letter translation:

Elf Co &c August 28th, Heisei 16

Regarding Return of "Underclassman 2"

To Whom It May Concern,

During these hot summer days, I am glad to hear that your company is doing well. These days I am much obliged to your company (A Japanese set phrase. Just common politeness)

Well then, in accordance with Article 7 of the User Manual of the product mentioned above, I am returning this item, for the following reasons...

惻Owing to the damage to the character composed in this product, "Saimon Tamaki's" brain and hymen.

As a result of "Saimon Tamaki's" malfunction, the play environment on my end is not properly functioning. Therefore, I have attached the broken product, and ask for your confirmation thereof. Although you are very busy, I must apologetically request that you deal with the damaged product at your company.
Please note that this letter is not a request either for an exchange or a refund.


You can replace otaku with muslim and it would read the same.

Man, that early 00's visual novel/anime art style/aesthetic is really nice. I don't know why everything got more stylized since then.

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Based as fuck.

Widow routes are fetish material user. The standard otaku wants a virgin middle-to-high school aged heroine that knows no boys she isn't related to or in classes with that has such low standards simply maintaining a basic level of social interaction will make her love their self-insert.

They bought a game wanting that and got a girl who has loved and fucked another man and who WILL speak about it guiltily because she cheated on him before breaking up to be with you. Its like acid to them; it burns.

Yeah man, they must be firing druckmann after the absolute disaster that was TLoU2.

>boyfriend has the NTR smirk despite being the one that gets cucked
Japs are so dumb.

Some other dude in some other thread said that the player character is the girls plan B, and she supposedly keeps you as a safety net of sorts. Havent played it myself, cant verify.

Reminder that kakyuusei2 was an inside job.

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