Ghost of Tsushima

Now that the dust has settled, I think it's pretty safe to say that this is GOTY 2020.

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PC when. I was never a fan of feudal Japan games until Sekiro came out and now I need more.

Can't wait to play it, gonna get my copy tomorrow


Attached: Ghost of Tsushima_20200719195343.jpg (3840x2160, 784.77K)

>ps3 textures @ 30fps
>assassin's creed copy

is this the power of onions?

Attached: 1385796561738.jpg (300x300, 13.46K)

>The Hirotsune straw hat duel in the field of flowers is beautiful but im shit at taking photos
I tried but his bog hat is stupid

Attached: 5a84dcd0-cacb-11ea-9e99-06185eb08d42 (1).jpg (1920x1080, 260.44K)

How have you got a 4k screenshot?

>Now that the dust has settled, I think it's pretty safe to say that this is GOTY 2020.

It is, but only because 2020 has been an absurdly bad year for games.

Right here, m8

That's not Clubhouse games...

ps4 pro can take 4k shots - i think even if the output is only 1080, guess it's upscaled. my pc can do that at least

am I the only one that doesn't like the duels?
visually and thematically they are really cool, but you and most enemies in the game die in a handful of swings

EXCEPT in the duels
you still die in a couple hits yet they just eat up damage
I get that you should be way more cautious and methodical or whatever but they just feel cheap
I think they would have played better of they removed your ability to heal but gave you both about the same amount of health

>exploring the woods, just taking in the scenery
>collect a clan flag at the top of a mountain and work my way back down, continue 'splorin
>group of bandits notice me
>slice them up perfectly as the sun dawns, dramatically wipe the blood off my blade as I finish the last one

absolute fucking ludo this game, God damn it's good; the standoff feature is such a great touch feature

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>i think even if the output is only 1080
Pro version has checkerboarded 4k gameplay in the options, it's called quality mode.
Performance mode is 1080p (but still locked to 30fps lol)

the fuck are these graphics? looks like a PS3 or maybe even PS2 game

Duels are mini boss fights. Whats the point of a boss getting outplayed and dying 2 or 3 hits.

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no, have you and the boss take a good 20-30 hits each without the ability to use healing
the pacing on them right now feels like shit

>boring Assassin's Creed Japan
haha no

i'm just talking about screenshots - like you can play in 1080 but you can take a 4k screenshots or checkboarded or w/e it is

I am falling in love with the photo mode

Attached: Ghost of Tsushima_20200720161310.jpg (1920x1080, 176.99K)

That would take away from the difficulty. There is no reason to ruin games for the sake of muh realism, its why this game isnt as boring as something like rdr2 where Micah took 0 effort to kill.

Attached: PS_Messages_20200720_190914.jpg (1920x1080, 383.48K)

Oh, yeah.

I thought this was Sekiro advertising for the longest time? This game has the shittiest marketing ever. Its literally marketing OTHER games.


I mean it's been a pretty crappy year and we all know some narrative friendly game is gonna win anyways

And yet its selling like hotcakes and has stellar user reviews despite the trannies and console warriors that tried to bomb it.

Tsushima has shit narrative tho. The story is the thing that might prevent it getting GOTY. If it doesnt, it will definitely win art direction, open world and gameplay awards.

why does Jin have a big butt? Do you have private collection of it?

Anyone got any good webms?


>mfw sucker punch presents ghost of tsushima act I rescue lord shimura

The moment I knew I was in for some kino.

Attached: 1319149452269.png (390x352, 148.75K)

That would make them too easy and without any risk

>people cry the game is easy
>uses armor made for def, health, and attack boost

I took this
on my pro with 4k hdr better resolution options on, but i shared with psn activity and downloaded the jpg.
How did you export?

Jin's theme alone made that fucking intro KINO

Attached: 1595017763037.gif (326x183, 666.09K)

>people play the game and use things in game
>complain that it's too easy

can you imagine

I see more people saying the game is hard and want an auto camera/ target locking which would make the game easier

Can someone explain to me how or why the combat is good? Looks just like Witcher combat with better animations and soft lock behavior. And is the open world bog standard Ubishit that's totally empty except for enemy encampments or is it actually immersive with classic level design, exploration, and settlements?