Sony: Hour long event full of games and releases hands on gameplay with the controller

Sony: Hour long event full of games and releases hands on gameplay with the controller

Microsoft: hour long event and already working on gamepass and xcloud for next gen

Nintendo: 10 minute long presentation with indie shovelware, only good thing to come out of it is SMT

Why is Nintendo so fucking incompetent at marketing when every other gaming console revealed more in a day then they did all year

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Nice reddit spacing.

You don't have to be competent when retards buy your products no matter what you do. Pokemon alone is proof of that.

ok for real whats reddit? i see people here complain bout it all the time. is it like twitter?

Nintendo already won, they don’t need to put in the extra effort.

>Nintendo already won, they don’t need to put in the extra effort.

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Nintendo also doesn't have a brand new console they're trying to push

Sony's was an hour of indie shit with PoC protagonists. At least the Nintendo one didn't waste as much time.

>Why is Nintendo so fucking incompetent at marketing
they aren't. they got millions of beta males to buy a leapfrog tablet with no games.

>Nintendo already won, they don’t need to put in the extra effort.

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>Sony: Hour long event full of games
3 of them mattered and only one of those is being released this year. But please lecture us on how great the presentation that showed off the gay furry high school and games that look like they could run at 60fps on an iphone were the best thing in the world. Speaking of the presentation, what's the price of the PS5? Because they weren't bothered to announce it in the stream despite the console launching in 4 months.
>releases hands on gameplay with the controller
You're really going try and insult people with the wojack face and yet post something that is the very definition of onions for being excited over.
Right, the company that has admitted that their new console might as well not even be considered a new console and mainly just a big box that plays all previous Xbox games, cool I guess. Remember when they had a "gameplay showcase" and showed exactly zero footage of gameplay? That was sure fun.
>B-but Nintendo is bad because they're not letting me CONSOOM
Whatever you say.

Zig Forums-Nintendogaf

It's almost like one of these companies is on a different release schedule and therefore not releasing a new console this year. Sony and MS would be taking a break during Covid too if it didn't mean the collapse of their business.
Kill yourself

Tranny Dinosaur school simulator EXCLUSIVE to the PS5
Also on PC

>Sony: Niggers and Trannies
>Nintendo: Ryza and SMT V
Your move.

Labo wojak is killing me

>Sony's was an hour of indie shit with PoC protagonists.
There was only 4 indies out of 15 gamws

cope nintenfag

>Your move.
But at least sony showed games.
>”but one of those games had a furry nigger...”

Based retard

theyre arent incompetent at marketing, theyre just so lazy they refuse to make actual good products since all these autistic clowns keep giving them money for garbage anyway. so why would they?

>also sony: cant let you see that on a christian anime web forum. btw heres a people simulating sex

>Hour long event full of games
stopped reading
sony has no games, only movies

The Sony presentation was pretty underwhelming. I dont have any interest in playing a game where the characters cape floats in the wind in 4k and turning around takes a full second.

Cinematic games are awful, I blame Assassins Creed. But at least Nintendo still exists to make games that feel snappy. Its important for them to stick around.

>Sony: Hour long event full of shovelware and indieshit on 30 fps
>Microsoft: hour long event and already working on gamepass and xcloud for next gen
>Nintendo: 10 minute long presentation with indie shovelware, only good thing to come out of it is SMT
I guess Industry is a piece of shit.

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Both Microsoft and Sony have the advantage of western work from home, Nintendo is stuck with fax machines

>I dont have any interest in playing a game
we know. that's why you bought a switch.

Sony: Hour long event full of shit multiplats, vaporware and first party shovelware
Nintendo: SMTV and SMTIII Nocturne

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Wojakposting aged like milk for SNOYtrannies.

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But I'm supposed to dislike sony over nintendo because of nostalgia or something lmao

Exactly. Nintendo is the Donald Trump of video games

>Wojakposting aged like milk for SNOYtrannies.

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>I dont have any interest in playing a game
We know. Movies aren't games.

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Is this the latest cope?

>it's afraid

Dumb consolewarrior fag they also had brand new systems to show off Nintendo doesn’t

ive noticed Nintendo always props up their consoles to the fullest in the first few years
They release all the big first party heavy hitters (3D Mario, Mariokart, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon) and after these games release they just let the console fend for itself
Same thing happened with the Wiiu, Wii, 3DS
the worth of a Nintendo system can only be truly judged 2 to 3 years into its life span

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Don't bring FF7R into this.

>Nintendo gets smt v
>snoy ponys gets tranny Dino school simulator and faggot walking simulator movie

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