Be honest, you don't really like the timer
Be honest, you don't really like the timer
The timer makes it feel like Crazy Taxi and less like Resident Evil, that's why it's fun.
Without the timer you get hot dogshit like DR3 and 4
Well if by removing the timer alone it becomes dogshit then the games were never good to begin with
Yes, because it's too generous. It's basically a placebo
i love it
If you remove the health bar from any game it becomes dogshit, no incentive to avoid damage.
3 had a timer, it just worked differently
The only time I don't like it is when I have to wait for the next case to start. It would have been nice if you could have Frank sleep for a little while on the save couch so you can fast forward time.
3 had a lot of problems but the timer and scheduling system wasn't a problem on Nightmare Mode. It was obviously way, way too fucking long in normal play because they wanted to placate casuals.
>It would have been nice if you could have Frank sleep for a little while on the save couch so you can fast forward time.
yeah this is a pretty valid point
however i will use the excess time to practice my ollies
The timer holds the game together; introducing urgency to quests and a fail-state that isn't just dying. (only with regards to no longer being able to pursue the main storyliine) It keeps the game relatively brief as well which works with the emphasis on replay-ability and leveraging your knowledge to get the better scoops and higher scores. Related to the timer, having a single location to explore works very well when you have to repeat things as your ability to know when and where events will happen improves and your ability to navigate to places faster increases.
Without it you get a generic zombie survival simulator with a weapons gimmick and the developers that have been handed the games pushed it further in a direction where the franchise clearly bottomed out.
I hated it in DR 2 and it was the only DR game I played. Maybe I'm just a fucking retard.
Love it and am surprised more games don't use schedule/timer mechanics.
I don't remember the timer...
It's used enough times for my tastes. But it's also a mechanic that rubs the general audience the wrong way probably because being told to hurry up and be more efficient pisses them off. It's the complaint used against games like DR, MM, BoFV.
Schedule based games do better because time gets abstracted more and/or the game is more lenient on objectives. Animal Crossing is great for people because it's laid back and events repeat based on the calendar (with the option to cheese the system because of this). Harvest Moon did well for similar reasons. The Persona titles post P3 having their schedule games is good and bad but is also well received. All these games also have an emphasis on social elements.
Nightmare mode was better than the babby normal mode but it still felt like an awkward bandaid. You might have to give up certain cases in 1/2 but you can just move on and take on the next set while in 3 you have to give up the entire sidegame and beeline story missions if you're not confident.
I used to have a problem with it on 360. Having PC controls, I was able to do everything so much more efficiently and didn't even really notice it when I played it again a few years ago.
without the timer it’d be really boring
You're not supposed to like it. Do you like dying too?
I remember how happy I was with the teaser for the second part, and now I feel guilty about it
>while in 3 you have to give up the entire sidegame and beeline story missions if you're not confident.
I can only see you having to drop side missions if you've completely fucked the dog and didn't even try to progress any missions for an hour. The side missions always have lenient time limits and once you've completed the mission to trigger them they'll usually form a route between main missions, or at least between each other. They only cascade into an impossible setup if you've managed your time poorly for too long or play like complete ass, but that's also true of the first two games. Hell if anything 3 is more generous since if you're catching up on a backlog of side missions you won't get more shoved down your throat until you've progressed the story.
The only tight deadlines that I can remember is the two neighbours bickering at each other if you don't abuse weapons lockers or the one with the pimp and crybaby.
Mouse aiming turns some of the bossfights into total jokes. Carlito 1 in particular will get dropped in like 3 shotgun shots from the Italian resturaunt.
I liked it.
Bro, the timer isnt even an issue if you play the inverted song if time.
The awkward part is that you never really know how much time is required to finish the main story. I made it 60-75% through doing non-story missions but around there I wasn't sure if I'd actually have long enough to finish the game so I started skipping most of them. Honestly I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about trying a more optimized playthrough but there's a bunch of other aspects about the game I don't really like and don't want to go through again.
I do. I think The timer adds some replay value to The game
Dead Rising literally is the timer.
The whole way the game is built up only works with the timer. Removing the timer is like removing inventory management from Resident Evil, completely loses a core part of its DNA.
Dead Rising has so few issues. You can't change much, if anything, without breaking the overall feel and approach. The shooting is pretty bad, yes but change it to be better and its too easy. Survivors are woefully incompetent but make them too resourceful then escorting survivors is not as engaging as they don't really need you. The timer encourages management and replay value.
I don't know, I liked having that down time to just go goof off and scout shit out without worrying about getting somewhere.
Nah. It's the ultimate casual filter.
I'd never appreciate how fun it is to fuck around changing costumes and finding good equipment spawns if it wasn't your reward for the "down time" you've earned
Also I wouldn't care about exploring to find things like equipment spawns if some canadian subhumans had added an item crafting system either
I never disliked it but the first time I played through it, it definitely made me anxious. Now that I know the game inside and out, the timer really doesn't matter anymore.
I feel the game would lose part of what makes it so special if it wasn't there.
>There are people who didn't play this masterpiece several times
>They didn't get to the point they can do a level 1-50 run, while doing all cases, scoops and saving all survivors
I love it actually, structured long term time limits are fun.
Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2/Off The Record, and Majora's Mask are all fun and a big part of why I like them are the timers and schedules.