Can video games be considered art?

Can video games be considered art?

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i want niggers to shit in my mouth


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art doesn't exist


Videogames are not art, now you can bother other people with your identity politics.

why does it matter if videogames are art? videogames should be fun

ebert was and is right

Who the fuck cares? Holy fuck! Divine fornication!

Just play the game, have fun, and be grateful you live in a setting that enables you to do so. I personally do not give a fuck if it is not considered art because something does not have to be art to be respected and honorable.

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Video games being art doesn't change that feminists were and are wrong about everything.
Seethe ledditor.

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Who fucking cares?

No, but shitposting can.

Can wojakposting be considered a bannable offense?

I know this post is shitposting, but what the fuck kind of point is this?

Yes, they are art, and they should be allowed to be critically analyzed. The point is that Anita's analysis is retarded.

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Awww I miss her, has she dropped off entirely, or did she start a new grift already?

Videogames aren't art because art is SHIT AND GAY AND BORING, every game that tried to be art ended up being GAY AND BORING

BEHOLD, THE POWER OF ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, SAGE ON EVERY FIELD for blatant facebook/leddit meme

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yes but they should prioritize being fun over being artistically significant

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This but unironically

nobody has ever wanted videogames to be art

Would you buy a $5 ticket for Anita's breeding lottery? If you win you get to spend the day having unprotected sex with, any position, any hole, as long as you finish balls-deep in her hairy Armenian pussy, continuing to gently thrust into her post-climax, making sure every drop of cum hits her cervix.

>The point is that Anita's analysis is retarded.
the point is anita didn't just stop at "muh wahmen", she went to e3 and seethed at all the violence on display

It's common redditor strawman behavior
Something something gamers are entitled bigots that hate anita
It's all so tiresome

why does the link send me to the porn board?

Zoomers never heard of icycalm, apparently.

I want to fuck Anita until her back breaks but I wouldn't pay for it

Why aren't they giving shit to rap then?

I agree with Ebert, videogames are not art and that's okay

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Games will not be art until two things are done:

One, there needs to be a universal format/system that games are played on. Exclusives and consoles need to end. Imagine exclusive BluRay players for each of the major film production studios. This will make games more readily available and, the important part, make classic games that will structure the "games are art" argument. Braveheart and Super Mario 64 came out in the same year. Braveheart has been made available for home release on VHS, DVD, BluRay, and 4K Blu Ray for physical purchase. Super Mario 64 can only be physically bought on the N64. Braveheart can be streamed or downloaded legally. Super Mario 64 has been made available on the Wii's Virtual Console (dead) and the Wii U (last generation and almost dead). Imagine if you could only watch Braveheart on VHS. We can't form an argument that games are art until they are more readily updated and available on modern terms legally.

The second thing is shifting the focus from movie like games to games that tell a story through gameplay. THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE NOT SAYING IT'S REAL. But lets say for example purposes that TLOU 2 is the greatest story ever told in a video game. Okay fine. However, the gameplay is good. It's fine, it's serviceable and does the job. Heck, it's might even be pretty good. What it is not however is integral to the experience. If I were to take The Godfather and make it a "game" in which it's literally the film but to keep watching, you have to beat a level of Tetris, is that a great video game or a great story told in the wrong medium?

Film, music, books, etc. They each have their own specific ways of being expressions of an artistic medium. A video game that tells a good story but puts gameplay second is really just a great story but told in the wrong way. Games like Journey (again, just an example not saying it is or isn't the best choice of representation) in which story is important are what we should focus on.

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No, they should be fun

Focus-group product made solely for investor-profit cannot be considered art