Attached: Axe.png (1447x1080, 2.23M)
Jaxson Perez
Other urls found in this thread:
David Murphy
Where are her pants
Jayden Reed
Axes that transform into swords
Leo Campbell
we had a thread about this hentai a couple of days ago here
Hunter Hall
Post her sister
Daniel Long
Landon Stewart
How many dicks can she fit inside?
Landon Brown
ORC DICK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DRAWF PUSSY
Matthew Evans
Connor Jones
little girls don't need pants. FACT!
Michael Ward
hammer > all
Alexander Lewis
it’s a halfling
Kayden Ross
nothing will ever top the first episode, it's perfect
Owen Nelson
The anime is called "kuroinu" if anyone is wondering
Robert Hughes
Why not both?
Jackson Harris
it’s little
Jacob Baker
Nobody is wondering, everyone knows this is an attempt at an off-topic shitposting thread.
Brandon Cooper
Hudson Baker
Thats not the weapon triangle
Chase Anderson
Jeremiah Thompson
This meme was funnier without text, now it's just cringe
Liam Harris
Fucking hell, made me laugh
Justin Sanchez
Jose Cook
Kayden Jackson
there's no triangle. Spears are just the best. But on the other side, i hate games where it's obvious that the devs chose the sword and gave it the best skill tree.
Jose Sullivan
Henry Hall
cunny >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hags
Parker Evans
Thomas Russell
my man
Jack Thompson
>Spears are just the best
boring moveset. Swords win any day of the week, plus they just look cooler than some gay pointy stick.
David Adams
Hammer > both
Nathan Reed
Move over, children.
Levi Richardson
What GAME is this?
Ian Sanchez
wish the scene was animated better and had less blood
Christopher Rogers
>durr hammer SMASH
never understood the fellating over hammers, they look boring and they function in a boring manner as a weapon.
Ethan Jones
>sell character who was in the base game as DLC
Pirate Warriors 4 continues to disappoint
Ayden Moore
>sword wins against spear
lol, no
Aaron White
if you haven't gone Giant Clubbing in dark souls or hammered in monster hunter you haven't lived
Cooper Garcia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Joseph Reyes
She's wearing socks.
Alexander Bailey
No one understands until they get bonked on the head
Lincoln Morales
Evan Garcia
Jack Brown
Literally the most boring thing in those games.
Carter Ross
>video games must be realistic
Rule of cool, bitch, swords win any day in that department which is what ultimately matters
Easton Jackson
Oh, you're just a loser then.
Nathaniel Howard
unenlightened dexfag, I pity you
Asher Barnes
Noah Bennett
Socks and legwear are not pants nor are they a replacement for them. but they should be
Ryder Scott
t. dexfag
Luis Ramirez
Fuck I forgot the name of this.
Jeremiah Smith
>want a good gangbang scene for halfling like the elf queen got
>get monster mash with stomach deformation
Owen Cox
dex OWNS, bitch. What's a giant club or hammer gonna do when I can just run circles around you with my sword? Nothing? That's right, that's what I thought.
Kevin Richardson
the sword would be literally #1 fag if it werent for the true #1 fag weapon the rapier, which is still basically a sword.
Oliver Phillips
Bet you also do havel or some shit that dumbes down the game to a point you does not even have to move, just stand there and hit your slow ass club once in 50 seconds. Must be fun.
Jace Torres
>dexchild moments before being splattered when I change direction
Cooper Young
Normaltards don't understand humor or subtlety, this one is going to be ruined like they ruined the chad vs virgin meme.
Alexander Garcia
>Must be fun
Leo Gray
I prefer regular clubs.
Brody Sanchez
>gets parried due to obvious telegraph
Kevin Gomez
nice try but I exclusively run fully nude Jubilant Catarina two handing Giant Club
Go jerk yourself off to pics of the EK set while real men play video games
Brody Fisher
>dexfag using any button but B and R1
can't fool me