Death stranding is fu-

Attached: Death Stranding 2020-07-19 02-30-24.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

-cking fun.

-cking great. Keep on keeping on!

I wouldn't know yet. Had to upgrade my computer because apparently this walking simulator needs some top hardware. Thanks Kojimbo

>loads up more than he can carry
>ignores the flashing green circle telling you to use sprint to use the boost on the exo legs

Optimizing the fuck out of a deliveries even if it meant breaking Sam's back was one of the funnest things in the game for me

Just zoom around in a fully loaded truck. You can go all kinds of places in those things if you look around for decent paths.

Just drop the damn thing and carry it in 2 trips for fucks sake

Sounds like a poor excuse for not fun gameplay.


the only thing that I hate about this game is that Sam seems to trip like a retard every now and then even with minimal load

>burdening yourself

it's your own fault. Don't blame the game for you playing like shit

I've heard that the game has action towards the end but yet to see any posted here. Sounds like bullshit.

What excuse? You're not even using the tools given

has action throughout, but it isnt cod

>"Use the sprint button."

>had to upgrade
>kojima literally held you at gunpoint
>you couldn't just play it for 20 bucks on ps4
also it runs fine on like a rx580 /1060 whats ur fuckin pc lmao

sounds like a poor excuse for being bad

Oh I played this game before, only it was called New Vegas and I was hauling like 40 gold bricks across a desert.

idk what the hell kind of toaster you have but this is one of the least demanding AAA/high fidelity games I've played all year

absolutely filtered, never managed his inventory to drop his cargo, never used power skeletons. Absolutely embarrassing desu

dsp levels of shitter right here

GTX 770. Only 7 years old! I was due for an upgrade soon but most games at least launched and ran on low settings, Death Stranding gives you a pop up saying it refuses to run on your ghetto ass POS.

I've played many more demanding games than Death Stranding but this game literally refuses to even launch on old hardware

>literally carrying a hover carrier on his back

>Only 7 years old!
That's pretty old user. I usually upgrade around every 6-7 years and I am a slow adapter.

ah, ok. I thought you were going to be one of those retards who has like a rx570 and says "NOT ON 4K!!!" as if you are running anything on 4k... but yeah it requires some specific texture management tech in DX12 which is only on 9XX series maxwell 2.0 and up

Does the game force you to carry a truckload of shit on person? if no, then why whine?

missed that lol fuck

It's directx12. That's the filter preventing you from running the game. Theoretically if you got dx12 running on your old hardware that refuse to launch message wouldn't happen and the normal thing when running games on low hardware would happen.

This is the equivalent of being over encumbered in Skyrim with 20 dragon bones and walking to Whiterun and complaining that the game is not fun

>go over the cargo weight limit Sam can carry

Attached: 1590176258939.webm (854x480, 2.46M)

but he has the exoskeleton made for that just refused to use it to make a funny I guess... plus

>white mans burden.webm

It's worse than that. He has a carrier on his back, as in he could literally use that carrier to reduce his load but instead chooses to increase his load by carrying it. It's like being over encumbered without having your companion carry anything.

Actually he is under the limit. The player artificially reduced his carrying capacity by holding the hover cart on his back.