>Protagonist is bald
>Protagonist is bald
Thanks for the genes, dad.
>junkie skinhead companion
picked up.
Too immersive for you, OP?
what are you, a fucking hippie?
low test confirmed twink. fagboy
OP must've missed all of last gen
Show hairline, hairlet
>mfw started going bald right on the top of my scalp at 14
Would play DnD with.
I don’t play that shit
that shit looks cozy as fuck
where's dis nigga from?
>Protagonist is bald
I'm in my early 20s but still started to bald. I thought about shaving it off, but I kinda want to go for the crazy scientist look so I'll do that instead
It’s me user. I took a selfie
>not balding but started going gray at 28
He's not bald, he's shaved
So, are you a tranny? Imagine self inserting in a fucking videogame... i wouldn't mind if the protagonist was a black gay nigger at all.
Dropped an amazing game OP. Your loss.
Not him but I make my character look like me whenever it’s possible. Why wouldn’t you self insert?
and where is thou from?
and we're men, so it's called a "photo of myself" not a selfie
learn the difference, it could save your life when mechahitler comes back
I'm already myself in real life, i don't wanna be me again in a fictional world.
I guess you’re right. Selfie is kinda juvenile
You’re a big boy.
AHAHAHAHA...West Virginia's less inbred at least
stand up for yourself. Selfie is literally in the dictionary. That user is just triggered by words.
You remind my of my cousin’s kid but with a beard. You’re alright in my book user.
>buzz cut is bald
don’t tell me what to do bitch
>best girl is bald