Protagonist is bald

>Protagonist is bald


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Thanks for the genes, dad.

>junkie skinhead companion

picked up.

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Too immersive for you, OP?

what are you, a fucking hippie?

low test confirmed twink. fagboy

OP must've missed all of last gen

Show hairline, hairlet

>mfw started going bald right on the top of my scalp at 14

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Would play DnD with.

I don’t play that shit

that shit looks cozy as fuck
where's dis nigga from?

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>Protagonist is bald

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I'm in my early 20s but still started to bald. I thought about shaving it off, but I kinda want to go for the crazy scientist look so I'll do that instead

It’s me user. I took a selfie

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>not balding but started going gray at 28

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He's not bald, he's shaved

So, are you a tranny? Imagine self inserting in a fucking videogame... i wouldn't mind if the protagonist was a black gay nigger at all.

Dropped an amazing game OP. Your loss.

Not him but I make my character look like me whenever it’s possible. Why wouldn’t you self insert?

and where is thou from?

and we're men, so it's called a "photo of myself" not a selfie
learn the difference, it could save your life when mechahitler comes back

I'm already myself in real life, i don't wanna be me again in a fictional world.

I guess you’re right. Selfie is kinda juvenile

You’re a big boy.

AHAHAHAHA...West Virginia's less inbred at least

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stand up for yourself. Selfie is literally in the dictionary. That user is just triggered by words.


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You remind my of my cousin’s kid but with a beard. You’re alright in my book user.

>buzz cut is bald

don’t tell me what to do bitch

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>best girl is bald

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