Post your 3x3
Post your 3x3
haven't played any of those
You've got great taste, OP.
cringe zoomer
Incredibly refined taste, sir.
embarassing but honest
dishonest larper
I liked the start of Prey but never found the motivation to finish it. I feel like I was stupid about leveling up early on and never recovered.
le quirky man
>dishonest larper
100% genuine. Divinity is in a toss up between OS1/OS2 and Thief can either be 1 or 2 though. I guess Deus Ex could be dropped for Red Orchestra 2, Baldur's Gate, Split/Second, or Hylics.
Shout out to that one user who linked a bunch of Turkish music for me several threads ago, great stuff.
Fuck, wrong board
good stuff but darksouls is gay
pretty fucking based
also pretty fucking based
everything is good besides ff and souls games
3/3. i still want to try drakengard
never played any of these
Great taste, Witcher 3 is the best game I've ever played. Haven't played anything else on this list though
Is this bait? If not, explore more user.
kill yourself
That's kinda rude
Is dishonored worth playing if you’re a consolecuck?
It looks pretty cool but seems like the type of the game that’s frustrating without a mouse + keyboard
Wow you are such a millennial redditor
I played through them at D2's launch before getting a PC and they were alright. Executing complex sequences of stealth/kills are impossible though.
Based list I’m assuming you were also born between 1998-2000
To add to this, D2's framerate on a base PS4 is pretty rough in some areas. I want to say in the teens sometimes.
Holy fucking based you are my brother
good taste user
hey that's my old chart
I played many times on 360 and it was okay
it could use shorter loading times for quicksave/quickload but it really wasnt awful
pc has better fov settings that you'll miss if you go back to console but the game itself plays well with a controller
Kotor 2 is the greatest Star Wars game ever anyone who disagrees is a contrarian retard. Kreia is also an amazing character with good writhing.
that’s the point retarded reddit contrarian. She isn’t there to solve the sith Jedi debate. Her whole point is that they are flawed philosophies too and she tries to invent her own but it’s also flawed and dumb. Like real life the point is that every problem doesn’t have a simple definite answer and all philosophies are flawed and wrong in some way
6/7 PREY, Wticher, DS, Hollow, Dishonored, Bioshock. - Divinity
0/0 general question, do you play popular/somewhat common games or do you only enjoy niche things?
6/7 Rain, Nocturne, STALKER, Deus, DMC, God Hand. - Divinity
4/5 Dragon, Hollow, Gravity, Nier. - Psychonauts
Absolutely worth it it go back to Prey, it's a great game
6/7 DMC, FEAR, BB, MonHun, DS, Witcher. - FF X
5/5 Draken, Yakuza, Pokemon, Monhun, Gravity
2/2 SF and GTA
5/5 Fallout, GTA, Dead Rising, COD, Minecraft. You gotta play more games
3/5 DD, Hollow, Persona. - Rogue Galaxy and FF 12
3/5 Hollow, DS, Pokemon. -FF and Divinity
1/1 PREY
6/6 MGS, Nier, DS, FF 7, MonHun, KH