>Female protagonist
>Female protagonist
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't be such an incel. Women are people too, and you're really just showing off your fragile masculinity.
>male uniform
I bet you also think Link from BOTW is a woman.
>SMT 5 protag is a twink
demifiend looks like a sissy too but you all love him
t. retard
Nips knew from the first glance that this is a guy. Why are westerners so shit at this?
We got confused from twittertards saying that's a ''non binary' and Resetera saying "gender fluid".
I'll love SMT5's protagonist if you can take his shirt off.
Because the Japanese are obviously familiar with school uniforms, which are generally absent from western schools.
For nips, there's only two genders. So it's either one or the other.
The mc’s probably designed to be androgynous like BOTW link so it’s easier to self-insert into
When will this meme end?
because guys don't wear makeup, retard
It’s amazing how hairstyle works when it comes to character design. If I only see the right side of his face, I think it’s a girl, if I see his left side, it’s a boy. Either way he’s /fa/ as fuck.
Ever seen a Kpop concert?
looks like a typical kaneko design. fuck west trannies.
Zig Forums is the gayest board tho’
I hope I can wear a helmet to cover up this faggot's face. Can't stand him already. Even Nanashi looks more masculine.
Where's the evidence that he's wearing makeup and not just his natural complexion?
Look at his eyes
Based. Fuck female protagonists.
I hate this board so God damn much.
Does anyone have the picture with lucifer?
nice more hentai doujinshi for me
I'm questioning whether this is your first Japanese game or not
>men wearing mascara is the new normal
Wow, do you wear a dress too?
t. Uriel
The only thing more gay than actual sex with another man is browsing Zig Forums
I fucking hate westerners holy shit. Just stop argue whatever if it's a boy or a girl because it can be whatever the fuck you want.
Does he attend the gayest school in Japan or something? Those are some faggy uniforms
Xhir is pretty fucking cute lads
That's not mascara. Most guys from JP games has eyes like those.
what's up with fatlus games and twink protags?
are japs all closeted?
>Male Uniform
That no longer matters in japan.
Uniforms is consider unisex now and you're allowed to where whatever uniform fits your self-assigned gender
You have million sources for this user only took you a second to google it.
>Female protagonist
Is this bad thing?
>he doesn't have an embroidered suit to flex on the plebs
no they don't
>Most guys from JP games has eyes like those
most japs have monolids
Great way to get bullied on your first day, user
Kys weeb you're weetern too
it's the art style. heres a badass space marine in the same franchise
>announced 3 fucking years ago
>have to wait another year
stop announcing your fucking games early holy fuck I hate it
Absolutely no one cross dresses in japanese schools as you'd be bullied to sudoku.
Where's the mascara?
I guess a girl could wear the boys outfit but good luck if you're a dude who wants to be sailor moon
So is that a boy or a girl?
Not a big fan of JRPGs and I've never played SMT, but I wanna add to the thread and say that on a purely aesthetic level, I love the look of Kaneko art and the SMT games. The designs are slick.
And here's a badass police smaurai
>Long eyelashes
Bet you think thick eyebrows is a male exclusive feature
>there are people in this very thread who thinks this is a girl
What happened to the girl in the first trailer
…user that's not mascara. That's just normale SMT eyelashes
Has there ever been a cool looking feminine western video game character?
Is their the first transgender Persona character?
Do you seriously not know what eyelashes look like on humans? Are you so ignorant that you actually assume that the look that models and actresses and what not have is their NATURAL look?
From my understanding from a friend that teaches in japan it's pretty common.
No older generation likes it because it breaks what's consider normal already and the Japanese is very Conservative
Guys do get bullied through, not so much the women.
Lara Croft. Thats why theres porn of her everywhere
why are you so hot and bothered about having a femboy MC? It literally cant get better than that
fuck i meant cool looking feminine man
>not putting the rainbow people as deranged villian or a joke character
I think you guys need to really tone down your expectation. This is a company that's so stuck in the past that it's still doing exclusives for no reason.
feminine male* western character
this kids uneven hair cut is driving my anxiety up a fucking wall!!!
Have you ever tried anal, user? You can't escape the shit smeared cock no matter how well she cleaned it. Faggot sex is a terrible mistake.
if this is a boy why are the nipples covered
It wouldn't be a mainline SMT game without "It's a guy!", "It's a girl!" MC. We had that with Flynn and Nanashi
They have that trap from FGO wear swimsuit for his upper body. Nothing new for based Nips
>complete faggotry, everytime
These are the same people who laugh at Persona, the pure straight SMT game.