MC's gender will be decided by the alignment you take.
okay looks like law is the only good option
I guess I pick law then, but I usually only like Tomboys that have big tits and are embarrassed/inconvenienced by them.
Holy based
that would make chaosfags literally gay.
and neutralchads patricians
Neutralchads win again
Neutral is the obvious pick, 100% biological female with a magic extra part and an increased sex drive. I see no downsides here unless retards think futa means shemale, which it doesn't.
Doesn't make sense.
Male. Males are actually keeping up the law, they essentially made law. Without males the human race wouldn't have evolved to where we are.
Female. Females never do anything that doesn't help themselves in any way.
Obviously trannies, as they try their damndest to bring chaos into life.
Fuck off you mentally ill faggot
males don't follow the law and commit far more crime
Looks like I'm a lawfag now
How about, tomboy for neutral, trad wife for law and lesbo for chaos?
Okay, now this is based.
Fuck off. Homosexuals don't belong in the SMT fanbase
>ruining neutral
>other option shit
>law option good
Kill yourself, Lawfag
Far too late for that user
law has always been the only good option
Dude tomboys are self-reliant and strong-willed. Cope. I'd get it if you argued about chaos though.
I was really a lawfag the whole time?
sodomy is literally part of the Chaos doctrine
Law and chaos should be swapped. Tomboys are all about opposing the norm, while femboys just want their daddy (YHVH).
females would do the same if they didn't have life on easy mode and weren't weak pieces of shit
Actually thinking of changing chaos. Maybe Bisexual or just sexually liberal straight? That seems a bit of a cop-out though. And femboy could kinda work if it meant not trans but just feminine boy.
Or make the tomboy bisexual and keep the lesbo chaos.
Can't argue with that logic
*blocks your path*
What do we call him for the time being? I’ve just been calling him flower-boy
Chaos it is then.