What went wrong?

what went wrong?

Attached: Nintendo-Direct-pc-games_b2article_artwork.jpg (746x373, 18.58K)

Nintendo has no further titles planned for 2020 and are expecting The Origami King and other titles to pick up sales in the holiday season.

Leakfags spreading lies, hyping up unrealistic expectations.

>unrealistic expectations
theres nothing unrealistic about wanting nintendo to reveal games after nearly a year of nothing

Stop blindly trusting e-celebs and worshipping corporations.

smashies thought a direct that was not going to have any first-party projects on it would have first-party projects on it
twitter leakers that knew something was coming but could only speculate and present it as fact

Attached: 5edfa711f3eae_covid19-4689908.jpg (600x400, 40.7K)

being excited about video game news isn't corporate worship you hairy-knuckled fucking simpleton, get new material for (You) farming. "i am being a retard on purpose" boils down to "i am being a retard"

>what went wrong
my pizza that i baked at 3 am

Attached: photo_2020-07-21_04-47-14.jpg (1280x960, 123.43K)

>smashpedo hands out a (You) while defending his master

arlo and other trend setting nintentubers told me it's bad so it's bad

simple as

What is this wave of trying to append "pedo" to everything as an insult? It works for comp Smash but basically nothing else, this is gonna wear through really quickly.

is that pre-bake or post-bake?


Attached: 1595318382285.png (992x984, 453.18K)

Looks to be somewhere in the middle desu.

sure ain't done, that boy's too blonde
get him back in the oven

According to Leakers, Nintendo decided not to reveal any first party games in the last minute.

Jesus dude, you're not allowed to post gore outside Zig Forums

already ate it and guilt tripped my wife into eating it too and now she has gas

>According to bullshitters and bridge-sellers, Nintendo totally just changed their minds and it isn't the bullshitters backpedalling because their guesses were wrong
listening to any of those faggots means you're a fucking retard, user.

arlos a retarded piece of shit

you know its bad when even the biggest nintendo shills hate it

Nintendo let the Switch's success get to their heads and are using Corona-chan as a scapegoat.

hopefully you don't get diarrhea

Nothing. It was a perfectly fine Nintendo Direct and I'm more than happy with it.

Smash fans are just throwing a tantrum because a mini partners direct didn't reveal the new Smash DLC.

>It was a perfectly fine Nintendo Direct


Nothing, at least with the Japanese one.
I'm gonna get Sakuna, Ryza and both SMT games.
Pretty good for a mini direct.

Haha was shocked after watching the jp direct then reading comments. Didn't realise eng one was so shit and couldn't work out what everyone was raging about

I’ve been waiting 3 years to hear anything about SMTV, fuck you.

Strange how it literally hasn't impacted any Japanese companies except Nintendo.