What's your answer to this?

What's your answer to this?

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have sex

why should i care?

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Bring them back mixed with mario characters.

based and aidspilled

Because like all their good franchises, they're doing nothing with it.

i wana fuck in a haha themed room complete with a lifesize yoshi plushie haha

Now it would be great if they would release the mario porn movies

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Don’t care still voting trump

i wanna get fucked in an themed room complete with lifesize yoshi plushie haha

What is this, some sort of smear tactic?

they were LOVE hotels

>Get to play with Nintendo Cards before and after sex

Sounds like a nice time.

based. Nothing more family friendly


>they stop and the population growth plummets

“sex hotel” sounds like some overnight brothel

Good, Nippon needs more babies

>nintendo provides a clean place to give parents some privacy away from their homes crowded with children and grandparents

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>prostitutes dressed up as Nintendo girls

It's okay when Nintendo does it


Nintendo was a Yakuza affiliate company. They were just following trends to get some easy business.

What proof of this do you have?

>retarded underage on Zig Forums in charge of knowing what a love hotel is
Every time.

It was a different time

Running “love hotel” isn't even considered controversial in Japan. It's basically just motels for couples who want to fuck but not in a typical tiny Japanese house.

A question wasn’t asked. Faggot

>terrific reviews for zelda, luigi, mario odyssey, xenoblade, fire emblem
>shat out bunch of dlc for splatoon
>smash, pokemon and animal crossing keep selling like hotcakes
>even the shit ones like mario party sell hard
>more shit announced down the line


Good for them.

Nintendo is older than Hitler.