>Announced all the way back in 2014
>Developed by some literally who with no formal education in coding
>Unsurprisingly the game's code is spaghetti
>Said to be the merging of the Hitman and Persona series
>The objective of the game is to kill rivals in order to win the heart of your "senpai"
>Hasn't even implement a single rival out of the ten
>Plans to launch a kickstarter after putting out a demo with the first rival
>THEN he will hire a programmer to redo the game's code from scratch
>Essentially, everything in the game is a placeholder
>Six years in and the game hasn't been begun proper development yet
>Also, a "fan-game" called Lovesick (Love Letter) crops up that looks like a better version and was made in 2 weeks

Is there any way that this dumpster fire can be saved?

Attached: YanSim.jpg (1280x720, 118.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This incompetent retard is currently getting 2000$ a month from patreon.

Why does Zig Forumsirgins keep bringing this game up?

It showcases how one otherwise inept Jew can make money for doing quite literally nothing through a platform like Kickstarter/Patreon.

>Also, a "fan-game" called Lovesick (Love Letter) crops up that looks like a better version and was made in 2 weeks
Not anymore it doesn't. Have you seen the godawful art-style they're using now? This idea is cursed to never be completed.

Attached: Toothbrush.jpg (854x603, 47.39K)


Because a shit ton of autistic Zig Forumsirgins gave him money, and constantly try to get people on the bandwagon of hating the developer as a way to cope with their own stupidity.

Attached: 1571504869708.jpg (554x439, 37.84K)

Huh? Who?

holy mother of autism

>>Also, a "fan-game" called Lovesick (Love Letter) crops up that looks like a better version and was made in 2 weeks
haha no, they doubled down and actually make Eva's game look good in comparison.

i wish the kids discovering this game for the first time this year would stop bringing it up multiple times a day here

Noone on Zig Forums would give him money. Not after Minecraft and Notch.

It actually started on Zig Forums
Anons brainstormed ideas for the game during its inception.

Here's your Love Sick artist's pleb filter list, bro.

Attached: 22.png (344x309, 265.47K)


>game premise is shit
>game dev is shit
>only literal retards would give any money to either of these

yup it's shit

Politically correct term for pedos

>Surely Zig Forums isn't filled with retarded zoomers

Attached: 1585856730598.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

Yeah, me thinking based.

Attached: gesrfr.png (970x572, 623K)

i want to play it

concentrated mental illness
shoot on sight

>Liru's hentai game was released before Yandere sim with a year and a half delay
>Liru's DLC to that game is about to be released before Yandere Sim with a 3 years delay

Attached: whaat.jpg (308x269, 17.35K)

>>Also, a "fan-game" called Lovesick (Love Letter) crops up that looks like a better version and was made in 2 weeks
The creators of that are retarded leftists and are already ruining what little they have.

They have their own language. I have no clue what this shit means

You can hardly call that a game. Its just a scene viewer.

Minor attracted persons, it's what pedos call themselves to sound less criminal.

Let me suggest a possible solution to this dumpster file
del /s /q

Looks like Eva really is the one most likely to create a good yandere game, huh?

Attached: 1562378619622.jpg (399x600, 56.36K)

>merging of the Hitman and Persona series
I'll never not laugh at this garbage

>I am all those things
>Still interact with them

Attached: devilpepe.jpg (211x239, 17.67K)

What's wrong? Looks like a nice toothbrush?
t. Someone who doesn't know shit about models

what does GL stand for? is it the polygon count?

Right. The games don't really mix with each other.

It means pedophiles. They're trying to turn it into a sexuality and surprisingly enough degens called them out on being retards

A fucking tooth is the most graphically intensive model in the game. Goes to show that the imbecile known as YanDev just slapped together a bunch of assets together with no thought whatsoever on whether they would fit.

Why do I get the feeling a black transbian wrote this?

Way too many polys for a toothbrush

imagine being so autistic that you would mark every single hair of a toothbrush in modelling.

Gotta milk that lolcow

Well between checking his emails 7-8 hours a day, what do you expect him to do besides model toothbrushes?

What the flying fuck am I even reading?

It's meant for commercials.
You know how they show the CGI teeth and grime and shit? That's the brush.


Not only does the handle of the toothbrush look like shit, it has over 5.5 THOUSAND polygons for an object that takes up roughly 0.004% of any given play area.
For reference, do you remember Naked Snake from MGS3?
Remember how good he looked? how smooth and not-angular his polys were?
>pic related, all 4000 polygons of Naked Snake

Attached: snake.jpg (1024x800, 157.15K)

Been following this shit from a distance, you forgot to add that yandev started threatening suicide over the lovesick version. Dude just wanted a free ride on kickstarter lol

Then they found out that he was EvaXephon, who was constantly advertising his stream on the board. Rightfully shunned him afterwards.

They arent using shortcake's dogshit art anymore

>He doesn't drink the Cum Chalice

>surprisingly enough degens called them out on being retards
Because jews aren't pushing for adding MAPs to LGBT+ alphabet soup. They'll all change their tune eventually.

>just use pro-optimizer bro

Attached: FRED-PHELPS-DEAD-618.jpg (618x413, 38K)

Love Sick senpai

Attached: 22222.png (416x848, 103.79K)

I hope to god that somebody else puts a Yandere game up on kickstarter first.

This has to be a fetish of his no doubt in my mind.

>using 3dsmax and not blender

>kneejerk zoomer response
Go back.

Attached: go back.jpg (488x466, 20.98K)

>He doesn't know
Yandev clarified. It's the Semen Goblet now

>people are comparing artists instead of the actual coders

Do you retards also think Yandere dev drew everything?


My attempt at translation
>Do not interact with me (or my community) if any of the following apply to you:
>You believe a lesbian cannot self-identify as a male and wish to be referred to by masculine pronouns
>If you disagree with similar, seemingly contradictory LGBT identities/sexual orientation combinations
>If you support bisexual/pansexual (attracted to most/all genders) lesbians
>If you are a minor-attracted-person or support them
>If you believe it's possible for cisgendered (non-transgender), heterosexual people to be discriminated against
>If you are a feminist but don't believe transgender women are women, and/or if you are a feminists who believes prostitution should be illegal, or support such feminists

>was in that thread and was optimistic and happy that someone on Zig Forums was making a game
>even saved all the early artwork for the Yandere which I personally prefer to what he took now
>and then Zig Forums figured out it was EvaXephon
It all came crashing down from there on.

Oh my god. This is the worst.

why do you fags keep giving him attention
let him die a fucking nobody having fucked up everything

some time I wonder what like be Japan man... raw fish and a stick to eat, that is bad. small eyes, not change to dodge attack... very bad
but worst is small dick. dick the size of pick my brother tell.

ha, you say but Japan woman have small pussy. i believe not! can put a finger inside ? can put two ? three ? small that none is. Pfft

Japan only make good video game but 7 year ago they make bad game. Now i don't like. only usa. and fuck canada. retarded children

How does someone in their right mind put 5.5 thousand polygons into a fucking toothbrush? Not asking to humiliate dev (though I would love to), but to see if I can somehow wrap my head around how someone can be this retarded.

Arin is that you?

Love sick now has an overweight protag, they also get rid of a lot of features in yansim that I'd want if I cared.

It seems like they're self sabotaging and kinda moral fags who are cool with killing students, but panty shots are just over the line.

Attached: 1594993270379.png (600x1384, 289.89K)

if you wouldn’t fuck a 15 year old, you’re a confirmed faggot.
pedophles are attracted to PREPUBESCENT children, it has nothing to do with some arbitrary number your local government deems to be fit to decide whether they engage in sex
anglos are pretty much the only retards who can’t fuck 15 year olds

>seething over 2 fucking letters
Get it together user for Christ's sake

i wretched

Yes, I am literally Kpop idol.

The thing that irks me is that the dev obviously wasn't knowledgeable enough to make a game of this scope. He's still desperately trying to damage control and hide this fact from his patreon backers.


Attached: son.jpg (600x1036, 51.02K)

Thanks. This person sounds like a psychopath.

Also, why is supporting bisexual/pansexual lesbians bad to them? That one is extra confusing.