Final boss is a friend you made along the way

>Final boss is a friend you made along the way

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Cat made the right call

>Protagonist has to mercy kill his friend before he falls to evil

>you think you've seen all the bosses patterns but then there's a second phase

Attached: 1592484144303.gif (201x177, 238.63K)

>the antagonist faction wins in the end

Attached: kiss.webm (640x360, 2.5M)

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Gotta say thats a quick and efficient unboxing

>protagonist faces off against his noticeably inferior clone in a one-on-one battle

Attached: 1585771150865.gif (202x196, 1.27M)

my mom is already dead

Fuck off I'm not replying

Thanks, immunity dog

Are these real?

God i love this webm

Attached: 1593668838988.jpg (750x738, 91.88K)



why are americans like this?

>always thought the kot went for the jugular vein
>kot actually bit at the scalp and tore the ear a bit
Kind of disappointing

doggo protects me you absolute nigger


Hahaha, what a chonker.

5 games

lack of self respect and intelligence seeing as how they respond to drivel like the "reply this post or your mom dies" stuff

he had it coming for scaring him that way

you fucker

>Final boss is the hero of previous game

Attached: monsterlair-14.png (288x224, 5.65K)

>Final boss is player 2

Attached: bestboss.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

fuck you

I loved the final battle in A Way Out. Had a great time playing it with a friend of mine.

is it real?

metal gear solid



haha is this real?

I fucking hate this cat and the faggots that dance in the background

good boy

fucking HOW????

I wonder if one of those guys kicked him on the head, if he still would have kissed his shoe.