Other urls found in this thread:
TW3 is better than bloodborne
CD Projekt is a publisher, not a developer.
The developer is a subsidiary, CD Projekt Red
Have you missed all the Cyberpunk 2077 hate threads in the last year or so?
I hate them.
i unironically hate all of those things
Wikipedia is cancer
I hate all of those.
Well not winrar
Images you can tell were pried from r/gaming without even having to look.
I hate Wiki for turning me into a lazy piece of shit when doing projects in school.
Never bought any of these or donated to any of these. Piratechads rise up.
whats that pregnancy test inside the panty
is that the RFID tag from when she stole it?
>website that no one hates
>teachers have entered the chat
Message from Wikipedia founder: Please give us your money
winrar is OK because it is a living remnant of a better time
Wikipedo is cancer
TW3 is baby's first gothic (now with extra crayon colors)
>i unironically hate all of those things
Was this image made years ago? TW3 is a 7/10 at best and CDPR is a shaky developer lately.
I don't hate winrar but I do hate the jewish family that's trying to earn money off the work of a dead man.
I don't hate The Witcher 3 and think it's pretty good, but I dislike how overrated it is.
I hate Wikipedia since they're supposed to be neutral but have an obvious agenda.
I don't hate CDPR but I don't agree with their decisions and direction.
remember that one user who bought winrar
Wrong on every count
This will change when Cybershit comes out
Has an annoying popup everytime it opens. Use 7-zip
>witcher 3
kinda overrated
pozzed website. just check their gamergate page to know what i mean
people already started talking shit about cyperpunk. i don't think they will be able meet the expectations and people will start hating them aswell.
how is 7zip better?
CDProjekt is shit, they're gonna keep focusing more and more on open world shit instead of good writing
Whenever I open a file with 7 zip I have to suppress the reflex to click away a "pls register the program" message
CDPR embraced Crunch on their workers so idk about the last
they got rid of my waifu Saskia in a fucking comic, so yeah I hate them.
Zig Forumstards hate wikipedia
Nah, the maganiggers turned on them because they supported the LGBTTBBQ cause or something.
>using windows as your main OS
Video Games should die
That ass looks like it smells bad
It just works, nerd
>Mixing gold with shit
Who the fuck still uses WinRAR? 7z is the same but better.
based, never pay for it though
>shitter 3
awful game
revisionist history hellhole, hasnt been credible for nearly a decade
good one
how is it better?
Newton's third law
I actually hate Bitcher 3. This game is everywhere in Poland since it was announced. Even worse since TV series was announced so half of news on each gaming related site had to be about it. Each sale there are tons of "articles" about buying this game and fanatics claim that they buy copy each time it goes on sale. Literally 3/4 of video materials on one of biggest sites about vidya HAVE to have at least one reference to this bullshit game. Editors make frequent articles about absolutely everything even remotely related to game and compare EACH AND EVERY FUCKING RPG GAME to Bitcher 3. One even claimed that true patriots and true Poles have at least few copies of game. Im afraid to look down to the toilet so I won't see Gerolt ugly face there.
I fucking hate it. Hate it with all my might. I wish game would never be made.
Fuck Bitcher. Fuck CDP. Fuck everything.
I suppose I don't hate any of those. I don't really like any of them either though.
Wikipedia is still useful but it's also clearly co-opted by questionable sources at this point. You can't trust it if there's any kind of controversy. So basically anything medical or political will have strong bias and will not have complete info.
Doesn't beg for money every time you use it
neck yourself ziphead, ill never stop using winrar and i will never pay for it
Deals with more archive types.
Open source.
can really tell who's a newfaggot by how many people complain about the winrar popup
after a lifetime of using it I forget it's even a thing, I'm too used to just clicking through it/hitting escape
7zip has a file explorer extension that lets me directly unzip a file via its context menu, and it also has file support that Winrar doesn't have (at least it didn't five years ago when i still used it), such as tarballs or 7z files.
Supports more formats, doesn't nag you to buy it, and 7z has better compression than RAR.
The only good thing on that list is winrar
mental illness
Free and open source. Small footprint. Portable. Handles their own superior .7z format. Better customizability and windows integration. No pop-up shit. It just works.
those have been in winrar for like 20 years. lulz
people like you are fucked up, cant spend 30 seconds installing a better program cause youre familiar with this shit
this is why people still have bigpond emails
Winrar has had the file explorer extension since 2010, and they both support the same files. One just asks you to donate when you open it and the other does not.
All asses smell user.
i hate you
>cant spend 30 seconds installing a better program
because its not a better program, its equal. They do the same thing, they have 0 different features besides one asking for money
>there are people who unironically use winrar over 7zip
enjoy your trial expiration popups, faggots?
It's free as in freedom
>depreciated "freeware" maintained by pajeets
>a game that fails as a sequal by doing "MUH OPEN WURLD" garbage & shifting away from the mechanics of the previous games to try and appease a wider audience
>site that in the last decade has become nearly useless simply from the quality of search engine result optimization which e-begs by trying to guilt it's users
>greedy jews who overwork and mislead their staff - causing mass exodus from the company EVERY single time they release a game. All in all a company that does HYPE and marketing better then their own games
there are plenty people that hate witcher and cdpr
You should use 7zip.
Do you not know what the fuck piracy is? Literally just have to drop a singe file in the folder and you're done. What kind of retard actually uses trial winrar?
I use Winrar, 7zip and Winzip.
Because sometimes one of the either doesn't work on some archives
Now that takes me back.
>he cant make scripts to delete the popup automatically
is this your first day using a PC?
I fucking hate winrar, piece of shit
of course you can, but why would you bother at all when 7zip exists and is better in every way?
>in every way
which ways? might switch
>basic keyboard shortcuts don't work
>can't switch name encoding on the fly
"Better" my ass. I actually wanted to switch over to 7z once but had to go back to winrar.
>haha just pirate it
>what do you mean 7zip is free
>make scripts to delete the popup automatically
They do the exact same thing. They support the same file types. One has a gay number in its title and the other is WINrar. again kill yourself
>not using winrar to train your reaction time by getting to the buttons faster than the pop-up can show up
Never going to make it.
its hard to hate things that have no personality.
Based Pavel
Fuck winrar for asking me to buy it