Well, Zig Forums?

Well, Zig Forums?

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When did the us military become so fucking gay?

i want a cute army soldier bf to do pushups on my asshole

Multiple avenues of recruitment

isnt this /lgbt/ (the board) mascot?

It always has been

Realistically speaking, if i were to join the army, how long would it take me to be general?
I want to move up in the ranks, then disband as much of the army as I can. I would then retire and constantly shitpost on how bad the army actually is

wtf I love the army now?

>Why did you join the army user?
>I joined cause my father was in the army, he promised to keep us safe so I'd do the same for my children..
>What about you?
>Oh uhh I joined cause of the free $200 controller

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when america became gay and Israel needed a new way to get them to work

Generaly two years.

wtf I want to become a soldier and fight for things that won't have any impact in my life now

do Americans really?

5 years


you're saying it wasn't before?

20-30 years

You’re not smart enough. I doubt you’d even be able to commission.

This is beyond fucking disgusting. Literal propaganda that is not even effective trying to lure in retarded kids who know jack shit besides memes.

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Imagine the discussion that took place about recruiting weebs and gaymers. .
>General, our recruitment numbers have been dwindling. Without a good war, there is no enthusiasm for joining the army
>Well, Seargent, I know that my daughter (son) likes those Japanese cartoons, so why dont we try to pander to that crowd, maybe he'll -- I mean she'll finally want to continue the family's military tradition.


>It was at that moment, at 8 years old, when i first heard this song, that I knew I was going to join the Army.

Don't ask don't tell user

That's Navy and it's not gay if you're underway.

>that is not even effective

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>Want to join the army now
>too old

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user, use your head. He heard the gay navy song and decided to join the army instead.

Depends on how much jew cock you're willing to suck

Girls Frontline wasn't used to recruit retards, it's just that one guy is into it.

thats what a majority of internet hotspots have become, a propaganda machine to kill or take money from 20 somethings

Should I really join the military? I have zero purpose in life other than continuing to live.


Do you want to fight wars for israel?