What the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
It's more accurate to say the internet mob had a problem with her.
If a white male and jewish harlot have a child, wtf does it look like
It’s sad really.
She ruined black characters (ironically the thing she advocated for most) and gaming for decades. Why? Because she’s an attention whore who’s money hungry.
Was/is a misandrist and just can’t fathom the idea that men may find enjoyment in various things in life.
you having money and "her" not having it instead
I don't know, incel. What's yours?
a hatchet wound between her legs
Gaming is the problem. Anita is the solution.
She needs a good dicking.
She's also a misogynist with an extremely narrow view on what is acceptable for women. IIRC one of her things was criticizing "men in women's bodies." Which was basically her saying that women can't ever have any negative emotion or be violent ever, that's only something men do, so any depiction of women with negative emotions or physically strong is bad/fetishy.
>Is a misandrist
>Is also a misogynist
Yeah there’s a term for that. It’s called being a “cunt”.
That ugly bitch got Trump elected president lol
being a jewish woman, jews are notorious race mixers because the women are so fucking horrible
People doubt me when I say this, but the 2012-2016 era of Tumblr/online social activism by these kinds of people basically made the populist upswing of the later part of the decade possible. Shockingly, when you spend years mocking the physical appearance, personality, and tastes of people who once voted for the political party you agree with, they tend to not vote for that party anymore. To sum it up, "I hope those fedora jokes six years ago were worth Donald Trump becoming president."
Nothing. She made a couple of videos with feminist critique of cultural norms of gaming (non prescriptive, she very rarely said something should be some way, only this is how it is) and got harassed by "gamers" and youtube skeptics who don't know how to read and can't watch a video analyzing things they enjoy without getting incredibly triggered.
I remember being pretty young back then and following that crowd because feminist bad, but as I grew up I actually watched her videos and pretty much agreed with them. They're really not that much of a hit piece on gaming or as awful as the crowd perceived.
>What the fuck was her problem?
She's an Anti-European Jew who wishes to commit genocide against European peoples through long-term massmigration of non-Europeans into European countries, lower fertility rates amongst European peoples, and increased micgenecation between Europeans and non-Europeans.
She is of course only one individual, so her impact can only be through her little corner of the world, which in her case is through the video game industry. So she attempted to inject expressions inherently anti-family & anti-European into video games as much as possible, in order to "normalize" said anti-family & anti-European values within the minds of the people consuming the video games developed by developers she managed to get through to with her ideology.
Was she Jewish? I thought she was Armenian.
Not milking my prostate around the clock
>They're really not that much of a hit piece on gaming or as awful as the crowd perceived.
They're at best a "Sociology/Feminism 101"-tier take on things, though.
Yes, she's """Armenian""", just like George Soros is """Hungarian""" and Jeffrey Epstein was """American"""
people will learn to disregard social media, it's the most dumb and inferior people doing the shouting
she's not riding my dick
Anita is basically a stooge for the Marxist/Communist agenda.
She's too buffoonish to be a Jew.
Just needs a good dicking.
Imagine she shrank you and made you massage her feet haha
Soros payroll
we didn't gamergate her hard enough
Kill yourself Zig Forumsfaggot
And that's a good thing!
Actually not
>What the fuck was her problem?
She doesn't actually believe any of the shit she says. She's a scam artist. Her and her boyfriend used to do Pyramid Schemes all the time.
I'm glad the industry finally learned to not take ques for her....well, except for Last of Us 2. I hope they learned their lesson.
>implying she had a problem
She was a grafter who got rich selling the new religion. She is just a left wing version of Joel Osteen.
She saw an easy mark and hustled it for every penny. The nose should have been a giveaway but she roped you right in.
Of course, but most video content on Youtube (or at all) really is. I think it serves the same purpose old science kid videos/vsauce does, which is condensing deeper theory into presentations a layman can consume, and you can basically copy-paste a lot of her critique onto most entertainment formats honestly. I just really don't think it was worth the vitriol it got, and that's the one of the main reasons she got recognition/better opportunities.
The internet woke machine moved on from her and nobody actually cares about white women in fiction anymore.
I bet you a billion dollars she wished she had her hate mob back since it actually kept her relevant and got her mainstream media attention.
unironically no dick. If she could get some sex she wouldnt even bother with video games just like all the normal socially adjusted girls dont.
Shes a woman. Its her job to make problems.
stop projecting, incel.
>say's the tranny that no one would ever fuck
why can't you kids just speedrun games without cutting off your cocks?